🌺Chapter Twenty-Six🌺

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(Hey guys....like promised this is the fouth chapter update today🙈🙈please let me know what you think. This chapter is decatited to all the loyal readers of this story...who have stayed with me through the good chapters and the boring chapters I really appreciate it. I cant express my gratitude....Many thanks for your endless support
I'm really nervous about this chapter and would like to thank my beloved friend for reading over it...love you loads❤❤ I think I'm going to log out of Wattpad😓....well at least for a little while🙈🙈 please be kind.🙏🙏🙏I've tried the best i could...not much good at writing these kind of things)

She headed to his office stuffing the remaining piece of toast in her mouth grabbing a pencil from one of the desks...using It to secure the messy bun she had tied on the top of her head.

Knocking and opening Erol's office door without waiting for a reply.

"I'm so sorry Erol bey." She said, Erol was sat at his desk...looking up at her not looking too pleased.

"Sanem you're late, we've been waiting."


It was then she noticed two people sitting at the Erols desk with their back's towards her.

"Sanem...did Erol just say Sanem... No...No...No it can't be. The voice didn't sound familiar more...rumbled. If it was her...he would have instantly recognised her voice." Mentally shaking his head again no...no... he was just hearing voices.

Clearing her throat after swallowing the last of the toast. "I'm sorry Erol bey." Sanem said apologiseing again.

But now this....this voice was familiar and he did recognise it. It had been over a year...apart from the few words in Amasya...since he'd heard that voice in person...in one room...what the hell was going on here. Standing up he turned around to face her.

The guest stood up...Oh God Erol bey was angry she would have preferred if the guest hadn't stood up. She didn't want....closing her eyes she covered them with her hand.

"Sanem...this is Can...Can Divit."

""NOOO." Her body tensing......at that...with her eyes still closed. She couldn't have heard it right...Sanem thought. Did Erol bey just say Can Divit?...too afraid of opening her eyes. She could hear Erol bey continue talking but didn't catch anything after he'd mentioned the name.

"Sanem...Sanem are you Ok?" He asked...when she didn't respond.

There was no way out....she had to do this. Willing herself....she slowly opened one eye then the other just in time to see him turn around. Her eyes looked up to meet and lock with the most gorgeous brown eyes she could never forget....but thought she'd never see again.

"Can this is Sanem...our junior editor." Erol introduced her. Can hadn't moved from his spot.

He was still standing there doing the same...just staring. The the two of them oblivious to the others in the room

"Sanem like I've said this is Can...his agency will be working on the promotion of the book."

What did she just hear right .... "What ?" shaking her head...fanning her hand she was trying anything to break the stare...she was blinking profusely. May be I'm dreaming...she thought...yes...yes...sighing trying to convince as well as console herself... this is just a dream.....Untill Erol's voice broke into her thoughts.

"Well we're still in the process of discussing it." Erol said...but could tell that the discussion was over...Can was all in.

'Compose yourself Sanem' her inner voice was telling her...but she couldn't her eyes were glued. Gone was his long luscious locks...his beard shorter not quite a stubble...just slightly longer then a stubble. His gorgeous dimples that were camouflaged by his beard could now Cleary be seen....just like Aymans. It was like she was looking at a totally different person a stranger.

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