🌺Chapter Twenty-Eight🌺

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(Many thanks to everyone who has read...voted...and and to everyone who has taken the time to leave a comment it means a lot to me.⚘⚘💖💖)

As soon as Can had left, Erol picked up the phone and dialled an unknown number ... "Hello...yes it's done... signed and sealed...they're just as stubborn as each other. No...don't worry about it... hopefully everything will go as you want. I'll keep in touch."

Replacing the receiver just as a very anxious looking Sanem came into his office. Thankfully she hadn't heard his conversation or it would have ended before given a chance to start...if he knew Sanem at all.

"Erol bey can I have a word?" Sanem said.

"Of course Sanem, come in. Have a seat." He cleared his throat.

Deciding to get straight to the point "Hmm...I don't want Fikri Harika dealing with my book promotion." She said coming and sitting down.

"Why?" Erol asked....surprised by Sanem's sudden request.

"Why...what Erol bey I just don't want them." Sanem was so frustrated on the verge of crying. Why wasn't anyone listening to her. "Listen Erol bey I'm going to tell it to you straight... I've got a history with Can Divit...not such a good one at that. This will all be a disaster." Finishing she gave a big sigh.

"Ok...ok....have you finished...Sanem do you trust me?" Coming round he stood in front of her turning her chair around to face him.

"Of course I do Erol Bey but..."

"No buts...would I do anything that would be wrong by you. Now I've known Can for a very long time. He's a professional...whatever's happened with you....it's in the past. I'm sure you're both over it...moved on. Sanem you're just as professional as he is. Look it's only a matter of a few weeks."

"But Erol bey I didn't know...the change of agency was decided...you said you'd given it to a few agency's."

"Sanem....you signed the contract last week....we can't go back now...without a big loss."

"Well they haven't signed yet...I mean he said he'd talk it over with his team."

"Well apparently he has confidence in his team...he said they wouldn't mind working with you. Sanem....Can signed the contract before he left."

'Oh God, he's done this just to spite me,' Sanem thought. Rubbing her hands over her face, she was frustrated.

"Sanem I promise....It'll all be alright, you'll see...oh by the way I'll see you tonight."

"What? Erol bey I can't, it's too short a notice...what about Ayman I can't leave him, I don't see him all day....I'm sorry I can't..."

"Oh come on Sanem, that's not much of an excuse...of course you'll bring Ayman. Suzan simply adores him and Mum...well what can I say."

Putting a hand to her forehead she could feel a headache coming on. "Erol bey I've always said I prefer that my private life be separate. Apart from my work colleagues; I don't want anyone else knowing anything. That's mainly the reason I decided to write under a pseudonym...that's the way I want it...please."

"Sanem why are you worrying this much...you know that's one of my main rules in this company no one discusses employees private lives....now you've gone and made me use the E word. Sanem I regard this office as family and I protect my family... now come on this is an exciting time for you, don't spoil it for yourself...ok."


Her head was aching, she needed to unburden this, also she was feeling slightly guilty as she had gone to see Ayman after promising Asli she would keep her distance. She went to see Asli....knocking as she entered
...she slumped in the chair.

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