🌼Bonus 4🌼

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(Ok...So firstly I would just like to get something off my mind....Today I'm feeling a little sad😭😭....a reader who had supported my first story right from the start has left following me....☹☹now you may think It's because of that I'm upset, well I can tell you It's not. I'm upset because I valued the readers support and the reader was the first to follow me and stuck with me through the first story...it may all sound silly...but hey I'm just a sentimental fool....Anyway I would like to dedicate the following chapter to the reader and would like to thank them for all the support and wish them happy readings🙏🙏⚘⚘💖.
Please forgive me for going on... Now....Many thanks to everyone for reading...voting and especally to those readers who have taken their time to leave me these comments😙😙👍👍I was completely taken by suprise by a comment today....by a silent reader which made my day. I'm so happy that the story is being liked enough that the silent reader left me a comment👍👍⚘⚘this means so much to me. There are a lot of questions and hopefully some will get answered in the next two chapters... as always I can't express how much the continued support means to me....Many thanks⚘⚘💖💖)


The journey from the airport to the house was a very quiet one. Both had thoughts running through their minds...Can dreaded what he'd find...he hadn't talked anyone except Emre since the night he'd left.

Defne was worried...she was going to a place, new to her; unaware of what lie ahead....and especally what people would think of her. All she knew at this moment was that she was in the safest place possiable...with Can.

"Hey don't worry...it'll be ok...I promise." He tried to reassure her.

There was no one at the house Can showed Defne to the guest room...and went to settle in his own room. After showering he called Emre....

"Emre are you at the office?"

"Yes...Abi welcome back...look, why don't you rest today."

"No I'm coming in, I'll see you soon."

After freshening up Defne came out of the guest room.

"Ok...are you ready to go?"

"I'm not sure." She replied hesitantly.

"Well I am, come on...lets go." He said grabbing her hand.

The office was buzzing...more busier then he had remembered it to be. As soon as they entered the office, silence fell upon them. Deren was coming out of her office...she had do a double take before coming over to greet Can.

"Can welcome. I hardly recognised you. Y...you look different" She hugged and kissed him on both cheeks. "We missed you...are you back?"

"Thank you Deren...yes I am back." Running his fingers through his now shorter hair...and beard "I think a change was called for....Deren I need you to bring me up to date on everything."

Deren had noticed the woman standing behind him...eyeing her from top to toe.

"Hmm...Deren this is Defne...she is our new photographer."

"What...but we don't need...?"

"Yes our new photographer...she'll be taking over the photo shoots from now on. I'm a creative director I want to concentrate on that aspect...so I won't be doing any more photo shoots."

"It's nice to meet you." Defne held out a hand.

"Well I can say..." Deren stopped midsentence when she saw the expression on Can's face.

"I'm going to see Emre...I see you in say...an hour?"

"Fine with me." Deren said.

"Come on Defne." He said reaching out to take her hand and lead her to Emre's office.

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