18- Hope

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💚Logans POV💚

Everyone has been coping with Pattons disappearance in their own way. It has been thirty five hours since we'd last seen Patton. Roman has been searching the mindscape for majority of the time whilst I have been researching about the mindscape. So far, we've discovered six secret rooms and two new hallways. "Virgil, I am not leaving until you sleep!" I turn to see Roman standing over Virgil. "I'm fine princey." Virgil has been taking this the hardest. He refuses to sleep or eat until we find Patton. "You know that Patton would want you to look after yourself, Virge." Roman crossed his arms and gave Virgil a stern, but concerned look. Everyone jumped as Virgil slammed his hands on the table around the several maps he had layed out. He stood and glared at Roman before walking into the kitchen. "ill go check on him." Zane stood from his spot on the lounge and followed after Virgil.

💜 Virgils POV 💜
I can't give up. I can't rest. Where could he be? What if he's hurt? What is Deceit doing to him? What if -  "Virge? Are you okay?" Zane walked into the kitchen and gave me a concerned look. "I know that we haven't really hung out since you came here, but I do care." I turned towards the counter, not wanting anyone to look at me. "I know Zane, I'm not mad at you guys. I'm just worried..." I know that Roman is just trying to look after me, I didn't mean to storm off. "No one is angry or upset with you, we know how much you care about him." Zane walked over to me and gave me a tight hug. I took a shaky breath before turning around and hugging him back. "We have to find him Zane! I-I... I can't..." I started to cry and he hugged me tighter. "we know Virge, we'll find him, no matter the cost."  We stood there for a few moments before Alex ran into the kitchen, panting and leaning against the door frame. "what's wrong?" Zane loosened his grip slightly and turned his head towards Alex. "we... Found.... Somet-" I pulled away from Zane and pushed past Alex, knocking him over. "what is it?! What did you find?!" Logan and Roman were standing at the table leaning over my maps. "it's not much, but there's this room down one of those hallways. It's kinda like an attic, no one has used it for years." Logan looked unimpressed when Roman used the word 'kinda' but he let it slide. "well what are we doing standing around here?" Kyle walked up behind me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. "let's go get your boyfriend!"

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