24- He's Gone...

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💙Pattons POV💙
Everything from that moment was a little fuzzy...
I remember seeing Virgil, but he was so... Different. I blacked out not long after Roman and Logan were thrown at me.
*flash back*
"bye, bye. Have fun, I'll be back for Virgil later." deceit sunk out smirking at us as we lay on the ground. "V-virgil! Stop! Why are you doing this?" Roman stood up screaming at the top of his lungs. Virgil stayed standing where he was, not flinching or looking at the fanciful side. "HOW COULD YOU LEAVE US?" Roman ran towards Virgil as tears ran down his cheeks. He stopped right before he reached him and fell to his knees. "please... Come back to us..." Virgil turned to walk away but Roman quickly grabbed his wrist. "you've never seen me as a friend, why would you say that I left? I was never with you. You hate me and that's fine. I've never been the good guy anyway." Virgil turned his head so that he could see Roman. He looked so... Empty. A black lightning bolt suddenly emerged from Virgils hand, sending Roman back towards us and turning the world black.
*end flashback *
I woke up on the lounge to see logan sprawled out on the floor. For a moment, I hoped that it was all a dream, until my head started throbbing. "PATTON! YOU'RE AWAKE!" Roman came running into the room with his whole right arm and torso bandaged. "a-are you alright?" he sat down and smiled sadly at me. "I'm fine, it's not as bad as it looks. Do you want pain killers or anything? You hit your head pretty hard." I put my hand to my head and felt something wet. When I pulled my hand away it was covered in crimson. "Owie." roman chuckled a little and handed me a glass of water. "again, not as bad as it looks. Logan spent hours making sure that you would be okay, and obviously, he got worn out." he gestured to logan as I put the glass down. "Virgil... Where is he?" he looked away as tears started to fall from his eyes. "he...Um...hes gone, Pat. And I don't think he's coming back..." i stand up quickly, immediately regretting it. "NO! WE CAN'T GIVE UP ON HIM! HE WOULD NEVER DO THAT TO ANY OF US!" he flinched at my sudden yelling but gave me a sympathetic look. "Pat... You know I love him, just like you, but he hurt you and Logan... Then... I hurt him..." I look at him confused, whilst he keeps his eyes anywhere but towards me. "what do you mean?" he takes a deep breath before looking me in the eyes. "I-I... Stabbed him... With my flame sword... I d-don't know why s-sorry I know... I shouldn't have done it b-but i-i-ts not him Pat..." I sit back down and tears begin to sting the corners of my eyes. He can't be gone. "We cannot give up on him, Roman. He would never give up on any of us." Logan sat up and put his head in his hands as tears formed in his eyes. "We will get him back. We'll bring him home."

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