03 - Riding Big Waves

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Aria's POV

Usually you would expect me to be freaking out, wouldn't you? I was, but not in the way you expect. No fangirling or stressing over what to wear or worried about how I look too much but the time, well...I really need to get that in control.

I look over and see numbers I thought I would never ever fear. 9:48 am. My first reaction was questioning if I still had the ability to read which slowly turn into what only could be describe as "Holy Damn."

I chuck on the first blue t-shirt I saw. Which by the way wasn't too dodgy. It had a nice photo of palm trees and tiny gems. I like simple stuff like this.

"Now is really not he time to get side-tracked Aria." I quickly jump into my short denim shorts, literally. I held it out and pulled up at the same time as jumping. It works relatively well on occasions when I need to rush. Life hack......okay not so much.

Simply tying my hair in a ponytail I rush out the door yelling out to my mum "I'm going to the beach with my friend. I'll definitely be home by about.....er....2? Yeah. BYE!"

I really don't understand why I have the worst timing and time management. Who in the world oversleeps on an important day such as this? Compared to other things such as world hunger or poverty or even getting a job this obviously isn't important, but for me it is. Is it wrong for me to be excited on the first outing where a guy has invited me? Stupid heart, stop pounding so much.

A great start to the day don't you think? Will I even survive? And of course I didn't forget to bring my small red backpack which I prepared last night during the period when I couldn't sleep. Inside there was sunscreen (SPF 50+ oooooh), my iphone, wallet and my swimsuit. That's right not a bikini because I feel overexposed whenever I wear them. My friends are fine with wearing revealing bikinis but I just feel uncomfortable. They always look great in it anyway.

You know what's feels really awkward? When you have run, but want to walk and it comes out in an awkward half-jog of constant half-tried running then walking. I am the pro at that.


I finally arrive out of breath once more at Palm surf and I predict the time to be around 10:15. I mean I could've checked my phone but I just.....didn't. Uhhhhh.

I look frantically for Niel and walk through the park. From the side I hear cheers of "He's waiting for a girl. About time man!" Of course I'm not an eavesdropper but when you hear people talking really loudly you're gonna look at them or at least steal a glance.

There I see Niel surrounded by a group of people consisting of 4 guys and 2 girls. I must say the girls are really pretty though. Niel finally spots me walking towards him and he looks very relieved .

"She's here!! Oooh Niel, I'm proud of you man. Who knew he had the skills?!" His friends act out as though they were crying. I couldn't help but stifle a laugh at their melodramatic act. Although they were funny, I really hoped it was just going to be us today.

"Aria! Thank god your here, they're killing me. They have this crazy idea that were dating or something. Just help me explain that we're friends and nothing is going on," he says desperately. I thought it was the girl who always friendzones but apparently not. I fight with you friendzoned guys. Actually, for all I know Niel could have a girlfriend. I don't even know that much about him other than he pees in the shower. Yes. That is the single most important piece of information I wanted to know about him.

"So guys, this is my friend Aria," Niel states making sure the message gets across.

I kinda just stand there making awkward eye contact with them all while saying "Hello," in a quiet voice. I don't really blame Niel since he didn't know and wouldn't expect after I yelled at him the first time we met but I am not a social person at all. Being an introvert also does not help in this case. Especially when his friends are teasing him and making a big deal out of it.

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