13 - Laughing with Freedom

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Niel's POV

They're all looking at me. Alright. What now?

"Ah, you guys don't even know the real story about us. Who are you to judge based on a couple of pictures that anyone could've took. I mean pictures don't lie but did anyone think to question why someone was stalking us? Or how about why everyone is on this..Regina chick's side?! Why won't you listen to Aria's side!?!? Oh wait....you have, otherwise that would be jumping to strange conclusions and beating them for...no real reason. HUH!" I rant.

Everyone looks taken aback at what comes out off this mouth. Haha, didn't expect that did we people. Noooo.

"First we met on the street, she fell down, I hurt her. Then we went to the beach and she didn't go swimming, and we went out at night to the park then I confessed about Jessica because we found a clover next and bread is not good to feed to ducks otherwise your abnormally heavy bag will make you drown.........in a pond.....until a friend helps them out which apparently attracts stalkers."

I think I might've stuffed it up. Did I talk to fast and muddle it up? Because I have a habit of that and people are looking more confused then ever. Like they should literally hold up a sign that says confused, because that's what they're faces are telling m- you get the picture.


Yes I love awkward silences!....internal cheering.

I glance at Aria attempting to make eye contact. Come on, now's your chance to run.

Aria jumps up and aims for Lemony's fisted hand. She's prying Lemony's hand open to obtain the pendant but she had the element of surprise on her side so Aria successfully escaped.

Her friends also jump into action and push past people helping Aria to get away from all the evil girls.

Aria's POV

"Run!!" My friends tell me.

"I'm trying!" I yell back.

Like I said I'm not the fittest of people so I have to breathe very heavily while sprinting to....the girl's toilets.

I grabbed up and snatched the pendant back off Lemony but should I have left Niel by himself? I felt as though he was signalling me to go and escape. Ahh, I can't do this.

I'm bad at hints too girls, guys aren't the only one.

We push past more of Lemony's followers dodging and weaving through many handbags.

Damn, why aren't we superheroes? Now is not the time Aria.

Niel's POV

The four girls run off past into the.....girl's toilets? Is that really the safest place to go at the moment? They do realise, most of the angry people are girls.

Although they did escape, they looked like awkward frantic chickens running around the place. It was very funny might I say.

The furious blonde storms off after them but the crowd just can't be bothered anymore. Maybe it's because I sounded like an idiot and they don't want to be involved anymore.

No one wants to be involved with a crazy maniac..............................no one.

The stupid bell rings to let us know it's the end of lunch. I don't know how Aria is but she has her friends and honestly, I need to get to class. I'll text her or something later.

Aria's POV

"Are you alright Aria!!" Everyone asks.

"Well, other than getting yelled at, kicked, robbed and fleeing to the disgusting toilets, yep, I'm good," I retort.

[DISCONTINUED] Never 'K' MeWhere stories live. Discover now