15 - Unlucky School

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Aria's POV

I settle into my hard seat next to Nicole as the rest of the students haul themselves into the class room. I can just tell everyone really loves school by the looks on the faces.

"Okay everyone, today's notices, uhh......the sport carnival is in two weeks at the oval so make sure you all come and support your friends for a fun filled day," Mr. Rearmate reads.

Oh yeah, although every year I don't really participate, I still go because it's still really fun to cheer for your other friends or just sit in the cool shade and talk. I'm thinking this year, I'll cheer extra hard for someone I know will enter.

Just imagine that soft brown hair flying through the wind gracefully and when he wins, the widest grin you could ever pull spread across his face. No more fantasising Aria!

"And now," Mr. Rearmate says with a cold aura surrounding him suddenly, "your assignments are due so before you leave for your class, you must place it here on my desk now in rollmark," he says pointing to a spot in front of him.

I reluctantly pull out the papers out of my turquoise bag and check to make sure my name is on all the pages. I did work with Niel finishing them off so, it should be good....right?

I search for Niel and see him pulling the same face of hesitation as me before placing down on the desk where a messy pile has already formed.

I let out a deep sigh before rising up and laying my work on top of the pile as well. As soon as I let go, I feel as though the burden has been lifted.

I turn once more to Niel who is, weirdly, already eyeing me and give him a nod. He grins ever so slightly and nods as we both know, Trevis would help our grades.

The bell echoes throughout the school and everyone rushes out the room almost eager to go to their next class. I would run out quickly too but Nicole here likes taking her sweet time. She always takes ages packing up her stuff.

"Why are we always last?!" Nicole winges.

"That's because of you!" I nudge her shoulder earning a giggle.


I leave my geography class with a new load of homework and a headache from heaps of new information but I gather the strength to go to the spot on top of the hill. I do still receive looks from a couple of girls but honestly, I'm a little used to it now and it hardly bothers me anymore.

My group of friends come into view and I wave excitedly glad to be free for a little while. I join the circle and sit next to Krystal and Nicole as Krystal continues her story. I listen intently as it seems like an amusing one.

"So my dad always makes really cheesy jokes and we were in the car with my cousins and he told like the worst joke ever. It was so cringey!" She said as she scrunched her nose.

"What was it?" I said laughing at her expression.

"Oh, brace yourself everyone. What do you call an alligator in a vest? And in-vest-i-gator."

First there was an awkward silence and then everyone bursts out laughing at the badness of the joke.

"Oh no!" says Amber appearing to wipe away a tear.

Niel's POV

I walk with my closest friend here, Dom, past Aria's group where I can see them laughing very hard at, I'm guessing, a conversation. It's nice seeing Aria like that, her eyes almost shut as her laughing causes them to shrink and her mouth open wide. It doesn't sound like a pretty sight but trust me, it's one of her best faces that I know of and have come to like....very much.

[DISCONTINUED] Never 'K' MeWhere stories live. Discover now