01 - I told you

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Sorry I have to add this but please read until the end of this chapter. If you still aren't interested I won't complain but please don't read the first sentence and think it's boring. It's my first time writing a story and english is my second language so please go easy on me. It's also Australian English so many different spellings and is probably not going to seem like it's in America. Thanks :)

- M


I reluctantly open my eyes preparing myself for the day, stretching my body out. It probably looked like some exorcism was going on but if it doesn't look like that, you're not stretching PROPERLY. I lazily walk out of my room still half asleep while concentrating hard not to crash into anything; especially the walls. Many experiences have I had with that and may I tell you... it frickin hurts.


I hastily make my way out of the house after getting ready and run quickly to the mall. Why am I even running late?! I made sure I got ready quicker, I only ate a little bit of breakfast and I EVEN SET AN ALARM ON THE WEEKEND. Why am I like this? Damn it.. I have to quickly catch up with my friends who are probably just about to leave me and have fun by themselves at the shops. Well actually, I am late by 30 minutes so I can't really blame them, but still. If they leave without me, I'll never be able to find them because the place is huge. Okay, so maybe there's still a 0.7% chance I will but that's not the point here. With my feet pounding heavily on the footpath I finally see the grand mall come into view. Please still be there...


All the girls including random strangers look back at me with confused faces.

"There you are! Why are you so late Aria?!" my best friend, Nicole, says as she hurriedly runs over her dark short hair flying.

"Sorry, I had some problems with my parents, NOT SERIOUS, but it's all good now."

Everyone laughs while I crutch over trying to catch my breath. Secretly, I'm smiling though as I somehow managed to get here before they left.

"Okay let's go then. Come on girls."


"That was so much fun." I say without thinking.

"Of course it was. So....now that everyone's gone, you wanna tell me the reason why the great Aria Oaken was late?"

"Ha.ha.ha Nicole, my bestie, my bud, friend, what are you talking about. I told you, I had problems with my family because I, well, my brother, then the traffic and weather and.... it's not working is it?" I say giving up.


"I really don't know why I was late!" Nicole gives me the 'really -_-' look. "Seriously, it won't happen again." I promise in the most sincere tone I could muster.

"I don't really mind," giggling says Nicole. "You're so weird but that's why you're my best friend I guess."

As a silence falls between us until we get to the point of the streets where we must part.

"Bye Aria," she says in a sing-song voice.

I wave back happy and satisfied with the day we've had. I start to walk back to my house peacefully as I start to daydream. Well, that's not exactly how it went down.

As I walk away, and turn the corner, a great force pushed me causing me to fall down and graze my knee slightly on the rocky concrete. Looking back to the culprit he kept speed-walking away not even caring or giving a second look. Seriously, what's his problem!? You don't just push someone and not help or even apologise. No matter how important the emergency for speed-walking is.

[DISCONTINUED] Never 'K' MeWhere stories live. Discover now