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  Today wasn't a good day.

I was pissed beyond the word pissed. Never have I been ignored to the extent of breaking my phone into bits and pieces, my assistant got me a new one right after I destroyed the one I got just last week.

What gave Fay Handerson the right to ignore my calls? What gave her the right to disobey me! Despite my warnings, she took the contract Yvonne Deere's industry offered her, despite my warnings.

She knew how well I hated disobedience, but all she loved doing was to make my life miserable. It was almost like God put her in my path to ruin my life and taint my sanity.

That woman was driving me crazy! The last time I'd gotten this angry at her, our Grandma landed in the hospital. Fay and I argued and threw things at each other, I guess someone had called grandma to come in and separate the fight but she came in the middle, she got hurt and I almost got eaten by my siblings.

The only reason why I was tolerating Fay was because of my grandma, otherwise, I would have sent her packing a long fucking time ago.

I took another sip of my strawberry flavored wine, standing in my balcony and drinking up the view of Miami. It always seemed to calm me.

My phone vibrated in my pocket. Still looking at the view, my hand slid into my pocket to retrieve it. Damien's name flashed on my screen.

What does he want now?

Hesitantly, I picked it up. "What?" I asked.

"This is getting old Elroy, you need to start answering the phone with more welcoming words like Hello, hey, even your name would suffice."  Damien said.

"Okay. I see you have nothing important to say. Bye." I said, pressing the end button.

Immediately, my phone vibrated again. Still Damien. After like five rings, I picked it up again. "What?" I asked, sharper this time.

I heard him sigh from the other end which only made me smirk.

"I just wanted to check up on you, see how you're doing and stuff... Since you and Cade decided to cut yourselves off of the Chesterfield family, I needed to make sure the both of you were alright."

"I'm good." I simply said. "Can I end the call now? You're bothering me."

"I'm organizing a brunch next week, I want you and Fay to be there."

"Um- sorry I didn't catch the last part." I lied.

"Come on Roy, I know you heard me, you're just pretending." Damien said, sounding really tired.

"Look, I don't think we'd be available, call Cade, he might want to come."

"He is coming, Rhea has agreed to fly back from Las Vegas just to attend, why are you being so stubborn?"

"I'll be busy." I said. "I'm not trying to be stubborn or anything."

"We're all busy, idiot. Grandma's coming, Fay's parents too. Come on."

I groaned. "Fine. I'll talk to Fay about it. And I'll check my schedule. Bye."

He sighed. "I'll call you-"

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