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My mood deflated when she mentioned his name, it wasn't like I cared about her personal shoot with Lucas, I mean, why would I care? Even before I agreed to start dating her for real, all because of grandma, she still hung out with Lucas, despite my warnings and reprimanding. She never listens.

I knew they had a connection, a connection we could never have, and not a day goes by that I bother myself about it. I simply didn't care.

So, why the hell did my mood deflate? Why was I feeling threatened by it, by him. It was Lucas, my employee, her friend.

I am the Elroy, the owner of Sparks and her boyfriend. I had an higher place in her life right? So why does it feel like there was something more between Lucas and Fay? Why do I feel like I should ask her to stop seeing him.

I felt like that, but I wasn't going to put action into it... She was free to do whatever she wanted to, it was her life, not mine. She was free to keep as many male friends as possible.

Lucas isn't just a male friend to her, he and Fay had a close relationship before the both of you started dating her. My mind reminded me.

I shouldn't care about it, neither should I show that I cared about it, it wasn't my business.

I tapped on the starring wheel, hoping to God that I get to that meeting on time... I wasn't one to condone lateness, imagine what would happen if I came in late to work. People would begin to wonder what kept me.

Everyone would start passing rumors after rumors, now imagine what would happen if I came in with Fay?

We'd never gone together before.

When her phone started ringing, I wanted to fight the urge to look over at her direction but I couldn't fight it. I stole a glance at her direction, then my eyes swept to the caller ID.

It was Lucas.

I glanced back at her again, wondering if she was going to pick it up, when she did, I looked away.

"Hi Luke." She said, her voice all cherry and smooth.

Last night had an effect on me, I was almost at the brink of stopping everything, hurting her feelings by just ending everything. Why? Because I was scared, I was scared of what I felt when I kissed her, her kisses made me sober, it cleared a large amount of alcohol in my system, bringing on this insane familiar feeling. It was familiar, but stronger, stronger than the familiar feeling and it scared me shitless.

I wanted to end it all, but the moment she made an attempt to take off my shirt, I lost all my senses and thoughts.

"I'm alright, how's your Mom?" She said to Lucas again.

After some seconds, she chuckled, revealing her dimples. "You know how she is." She said again. "How's your brother? Is he back yet?" She said, listening to his reply.

She was familiar with everyone in his family, almost like she knew him better than she knew me, the way she smiled from time to time, she'd never smiled at me like that.

You haven't done anything to make her smile... You're broken. Beyond repair. I shook my head off the thoughts.

I'd have to visit Google again, maybe search for things like, How to make your girlfriend smile.

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