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   I threw my phone on Damien's couch, raking my hands through my hair in complete and utter frustration.

"Giving up already?" Damien's voice cut through the air.

I narrowed my eyes angrily at him before dropping on the couch myself. "Three times, I called her three times and she didn't pick up... I mean, who does she think she is? Huh?"

Damien stared at me in disbelief as he dropped the magazine he was holding. "You know what your problem is?"

I cocked a brow at him in question.

"You ego and pride takes over your mind in almost every aspect of your life. You don't think before you act, you just act on impulse, and that is not a good thing."

The look on my face turned into a very hard scowl. "I didn't come here to get lectures from you Damien. I came here for you to- to judge the issue and to tell me that I'm not at fault. And you should be glad that I took your advice to call her and apologize, cause on a normal day, I wouldn't."

"You seem to be forgetting that this is your problem, not mine. I'm only trying to help."

"Then do that, and don't lecture me." I snapped at him.

He sighed. "Based on what you told me, she has a fault in the matter."

"Thank you." I said, exasperated.

"Oh, don't thank me yet cause you also have a fault in it."

"Excuse me?" I raised my head, glaring at him.

"Fine, we all know that the great Elroy Chesterfield never asks for help, and we all know that he has anger issues and animalistic tendencies-"

"Wha- I don't have animalistic tendencies!" I defended indignantly.

"Only animals act on impulse." Damien said. "But that's not the point, the point is, you shouldn't have called her work hideous- you should have appreciated it and reject it politely. In a more humane way."

"Oh please, appreciate it? What gave her the right to erase my work?"

"She thought she was helping, El. You yourself knew her designs were way more better than yours."

"Yeah, I know that. What was I supposed to do, tell her?"

"Exactly. And if you don't want them, reject politely. No cause for insults and yelling." Damien said. "Fine, I know she was on the wrong for touching your sketchpad without permission and erasing your hard work without a second thought, but you have to consider her motives for doing that. If it's for a bad motive, your actions are slightly granted. But Fay did it for a good motive. She didn't deserve what you said to her, or however you reacted."

I remained quiet. Why was he making so much sense? Why am I beginning to feel like the bad guy?

"Listen El, sometimes you have to learn how to control your anger issues. You need to learn how to think before acting. Tearing up the sketchpad was a big no on your side, because now you have to start all over again." Why does he sound so much like Karen?

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