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I had jumped back into work the second I went back to Sparks. Fay and I got up really early and right now she was preparing for the program, while I was getting some work done before the program commenced.

It had been a busy day.

Everyone at Sparks were either doing one thing or the other, bumping into each other in hallways and arguing about the smallest of things.

This had never happened before.

We were always coordinated, and way ahead of other companies... But now, it seemed as if everyone was confused. It seems if they had forgotten their jobs and are struggling with the smallest things.

I had sent Carter out to the venue, a long time ago. He was settling things over there, representing me in what ever duty I had to carry out.

Everything seemed out of order and as much as I tried to keep my cool, it was quite obvious I was losing it.

I had tried to just take down a few deep breaths to help me think better, but it only made things worse.

Fay had tried to make me see reason last night, she told me that it wasn't worth it... She told me that I didn't have to prove anything to anyone and she was right.

I guess my ego had a part to play in my current situation.

I didn't want to lose this year's program, I wanted to own up to my title and it was really messing up my brain, so when the door to my office pushed open, it grabbed my attention almost immediately.

But when my eyes met that of the person standing in front of me. I stilled.

He gently shut the door behind him as he made his way further into my office.

I blinked, looking back at my computer screen, trying to act unaffected by his presence. "It's rude not to knock, Lucas. No matter our differences, I'm still your boss."

"Tell that to someone who actually gives a fuck about your title." He seethed out.

There was something about the way he spoke... The confidence in his voice was undeniable.

I paused, then looked back up at him.

His eyes were dead set on mine, red and so full with hate, and when he reached behind him to pull out a gun, I was shocked at my unflinching reaction... Almost as if I saw this coming.

Sighing. "Okay?" I muttered. "I see you really wanna talk now." I rolled my chair backwards, getting on my feet.

"I've had enough, Elroy Chesterfield. It was okay when you and I just played this game, but bringing Fay into it... That wasn't a bold move." Lucas said, still aiming the gun at me.

I paused, studying him. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"I knew... I knew it the moment Fay walked through that hospital door... I knew something had changed. You managed to turn her against me. Does she even know?"

My entire body spiked up, I was ready to pounce on him. Fay wasn't supposed to get caught in the cross-fire and I could just kill him if he dared to hurt her.

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