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  Her eyes sparkled with mischief. It was a look I rarely saw on her face, her cheeks were so red that they could be disguised as a tomato anytime anywhere. Her lips were rosey and pink, reminding me of the first time we kissed; back at that motel room, where I made promises I wouldn't want to keep on a normal day,  but had to.

This wasn't me.

She shouldn't get used to this rare side of me. I tend to lose myself sometimes, but when ever I recollected myself, I'd switch back to the man everyone knew.

But Fay seemed to be able to pull out that side of me.


I had always known Fay to be beautiful. Her smiles on magazines and billboards were enough to make you do a double check on them. She was classified as the angel amongst men.

During these three years of being together, I tried my best to make her reveal her true character to me, I made her hate me. But still she showed care.

I never felt guilty cause I knew she didn't like me. Our relationship was just a charade and it was bound to lead no where.

But right now, the hope in her eyes was something that scared me... She was giving in. I knew quite well that I couldn't be the man she wanted, I couldn't be the perfect boyfriend. I could try to contain my mood swings whenever I was with her, but what if one day I get tired of it all, and snap?

She'd feel hurt.

Or would she?

Just today she told Lucas she'd never let me hurt her.

Well, she said the right thing. But the look in her eyes told me she wanted this, it told me she longed for my care and affection. Something I knew I couldn't give.

"What Happened?" She asked, raising her hands to pull my hair back. "Why did you stop smiling?" She asked.

Was I smiling?

Last I checked, I had no right to smile, or even feel remotely happy. I wasn't done punishing myself for what I did.

What am I even doing?

I pulled away from her, standing up. "We should head downstairs." I said, grabbing my phone from the table, then turned away.

"El, wait." She stood up, coming to face me. "What's wrong?" She asked.

Her eyes looked sincere. I could see the concern in them... But then again, Yvonne had that look in her eyes all the time.

"Nothing, it's getting late and I'm hungry, I'll have to go to bed early cause I have a meeting with Miss Deree tomorrow."

Her eyes widened. "You have a meeting with Yvonne?"

"Yeah." I said. "It's concerning the pre merge program. You know I was merged with her company for the merge program so-"

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"Yeah, of course... Why wouldn't I be?"

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