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   "I'm going to have to what?" I found my voice after my brain took exactly fifteen seconds to comprehend what he had said to me.

Why would he want that from me? He was the same person who tried to convince me to stay away from Lucas, why the hell does he want me to go back to him?

Would I even be able to do that? How would I even be able to face Lucas after this new discovery about him? What would I say to him? Do to him? Why am I even jumping to conclusions, I should know the reason why Elroy wanted me to go back to Lucas in the first place. He wouldn't just suggest that.

"I've known you for like three years now Fay, and trust me, I know you enough to know that you have a good hearing ability."

I rolled my eyes. "Why would you want me to go back to Lucas?" I asked him.

He shoved both his hands into his pocket and took in a deep breath before speaking.

"As long as he's still out there, with so much hate for me, we can't be together, you know that. And besides, I've studied Lucas. He is mentally unstable and mentally unstable means dangerous." He said.

Mentally unstable? Lucas? "Do you have any idea on why he hates you so much?" I found myself asking.

Elroy shrugged his shoulders, "I guess it has something to do with my past." He said.

"Your past? What is Lucas business with your past and more over, what is this your past all about?"  I asked as curiosity seeped into my veins.

Elroy sighed. "There are things you don't know, Fay."

"Things? What things?"

He removed his hands from his pockets, raking his hands through his hair as the expression on his face sold the way he actually felt.

He looked like he was about to tell me something that would send me bolting out the door in no time.

He swallowed hard before speaking. "I'm pretty sure you're aware of um How My parents- my parents died." He voiced out.

I scrunched my brows, getting confused by the minute. "Of course El."

"Well, there might be a truth to what you know, but there are somethings that you don't know about that night."

Okay? As far as I know, they died in a car accident. That was like ten years ago. Why would Lucas hate Elroy For that?

"They weren't alone in that car Fay." He said, his voice void of any emotions, but his eyes filled with them.

It was obvious that he didn't like talking about it, or that he hadn't even spoken about it for years.

"I was with them." He said, as his eyes met my confused one.

"But, the papers- the papers said they were alone."

"The papers and the press published whatever we wanted them to publish. I had my first asthma attack that night, due to inhaling smoke and laughing too hard. My parents got worried and they took me to Dr. Xavier. On our way back, it was raining, heavily and it was too late before we saw the bright light, my Dad didn't make the right turn. I was okay but- they all weren't."

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