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I took off my heels, dropped my phone on the table, and collasped on the bed, engulfing my senses with Elroy's warm and inviting bed which was obviously blessed with his lovely cologne.

Damn, my body ached a lot. Mom made me test out all her new machines from her gym, she made me do yoga and she even made extra efforts to curl my hair since she never liked it straight, so now it was it's normal brown, shiny and wavey mess. She also made me wear unnecessary make up.

It wasn't heavy though, just the normal day to day make up thing.

I told her it wasn't necessary since I was going to be inside my car anyways, and I didn't have any important plans for today. Only rehearsals for the pre merge program, which is going to happen in a week and three days.

My Mom was the kind of woman who was always ready for the camera. Anywhere, anytime.

Even if there was no make up on her face, she'd still look Divine. I still wondered why she made extra efforts to bring out the beauty that wasn't even hiding in the first place.

My brows came together when my phone started ringing.

"Oh no." I groaned. "Who could that be?"

I raised myself sluggishly, dragging my feet towards the table where my phone laid.

Picking it up, my eyes widened when I saw the caller ID.

Cade was calling?

What could he possibly want? Was Elroy okay?

I hesitated before picking it up.

"He-Hello?" I spoke up.

"Hey! How are you? Thought you were gonna ignore my call... I deserve it though." He said.

"N-no, it's not like that. My phone wasn't where I was- so- it took some time to get to it- and-"

"You don't need to make excuses, Fay... I know what I know. Anyway... Would it be possible to meet?" He asked me, his voice calm.

"Meet? Um... Is everything okay? Is El okay?"

"Everything's fine. I just want to see you." He said.

"Oh, okay then."

"Great, I'll see you at Spark's cafeteria, yeah?"

"Um- sure." I said as the line went dead.

Furrowing my brows, I placed my phone back on the table, wondering why Cade would want to see me? I mean, last I checked, we weren't even on good terms.

Maybe something happened between him and Elroy last night? I thought I told Elroy not to make trouble with him?

Why doesn't he ever listens?

Where is he anyway?

I didn't receive any other text from him last night, neither did he call me to let me know how his night went. He didn't call this morning too. Anyway, I wouldn't have had the time to talk to him cause my Mom didn't let me breath.

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