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    Four hours, it had been four hours since Fay had left to see Lucas.

Honestly, at first it didn't bother me. I felt a little bit pissed at the fact that she left to see Lucas, instead of completing the designs with me. But then, I reprimanded myself for being pissed. It shouldn't bother me who she befriends. It was actually none of my business.

So the reason why I was currently making my way towards their direction, was still a mystery to me.

I surely wasn't jealous was I?

I mean, why would I be jealous? It's not as if I liked Fay that much? She's my girlfriend, and it's normal to feel threatened whenever a guy was getting closer to her than usual, I mean, what would the public say if word gets out? I'd look like the fool at the end of it all.

I'm only going to let her know that I was ready to leave.

But then again...

I could just call her, or text her.

She'd waste time. Going there was probably the best option.

I pulled open the door to the editing office, slowly. And why I was acting like I wanted to catch them in the act of something, I'd never understand.

The sound of laughter made me stop in my tracks. Fay and Lucas didn't notice me standing by the door, as usual.

They were alone.

"She's going to actually like the card. Stop worrying, I trust my designs." Fay said with a big smile on her face. She had never smiled at me that way before.

Why did it even bother me?

"I know, I trust your designs too Fay, it's just that- Chloe is really selective." Lucas responded with a small smile too.

"Do you want me to talk to her?" Fay asked him, sounding like she really did care about whatever discussion they were having.

"Right, so you both can cook up a plan to get me eh? No, thank you."

She giggled like a school girl who was told she was beautiful for the first time.

It pinched my insides.

"What? I'm only trying to help in any way I can, but don't worry, you'll be fine. She'll like the designs. And if she doesn't like them? Leave it to me, I'll make new ones for you."

So she can spend four hours making whatsoever designs for Lucas and leave me hanging?

"Thank you Fay. I don't know what I'll do without you."

Is that a pinch of red I'm spotting on her cheeks?

"You don't have to thank me Luke, I'll do anything for you." She responded.

He smiled. "Okay, to let this all stick in, Let me treat you to dinner." He said.

What? Dinner?

"Oh, Lucas... I would have loved to but - El might call any minute now and I have to drive home with him. Raincheck?"

Raincheck? No way... Never gonna happen.

He was clearly into her, I could see it in his eyes, smile, the way he even talked.

How can you be interested in your boss's girlfriend? Is that even done?

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