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  I opened the door to Elroy's room, hoping to God that he had left for work already, I was in no mood to face him or argue with him... I was still angry at him for hurting Melissa's feelings and destroying the brunch. In fact, I think being angry with him will last longer than I thought.

He deserved every bit of my anger and harsh words, but- not today, not now when all I wanted was peace and quiet... Maybe a little bit of sanity.

When my eyes landed on Elroy, buttoning up his Grey-white plain ironed shirt, I knew I wasn't going to get what I wanted.

I closed the door behind me, the small noise of the door, made him to turn around. When his eyes landed on me, I froze. Can this man get anymore breathtakingly handsome?

His brows rose in what looked like surprise. "Oh my God." He said, rushing over to me, and before I knew what was happening, he engulfed me in a hug. "Jesus Fay," he broke the hug as his eyes searched mine frantically. "... I was so worried about you? Where the hell have you been?" He asked, worry clouded his whole face.

I pushed him away gently, clearing my throat awkwardly. "Are you okay?" I had to ask.

"What do you mean?" He asked. "I was worried sick about you, I thought of calling you but, I remembered Catherine broke your phone out of rage."

"Uh..." I was lost for words. "Uh..."

"Are you okay? Where were you?" He asked, cupping my face in his hands, looking all worried and concerned

I stepped away from his hold. "I was at Rhea's... Not that you care anyway." I muttered. Still shocked at his sudden change of behavior.

He sighed. "I was just about to go find you. I tried calling Damien but he didn't pick up... They all didn't pick up..." He said.

"Yeah... Okay." I muttered, trying to walk pass him but he blocked my path.

"Listen, at first I thought I was right... I thought that I did the right thing by bringing up the issue at the brunch... But then I had time to think about it... And I realized that I was- that I was- was wrong..." He said, looking so sincere that I almost fell for it.

"I don't have time to argue with you Elroy, what I want is to stay away from you." I stated, trying to move away but he blocked my path again.

"I'm not trying to argue with you, Fay."

"Yeah right..." I said, finally walking pass him but he rushed to stand in front of me again, stopping me from moving further.

"Listen, I know you think this is weird, and I do to... Trust me, I don't understand what I'm feeling or why I feel guilty. But- when I saw Catherine hit you-"


"Let me finish." He cut me off. "... I realized that I was wrong and that I was being selfish. I didn't think of you or what you really did want." He sighed. "For that, I'm sorry."


"Did you get hit on the head last night?" I asked. Now feeling concerned for him.

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