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    "Sir, The boss will see you now." Uriel, Cade's assistant informed me.

I looked up from my phone to the chubby male Assistant, standing Infront of Cade's office.

My eyes moved to the assistant's table. There was a box of surgery donut on it, coupled with two cups of smoothies. There was also a candy jar on the table. I looked back at Uriel who seemed to have noticed my look of irritation.

He placed his head down immediately.

I moved closer to the door, stopping when I got to Uriel. "What size do you wear?" I asked.

He looked up at me. "Wha- I don't understand your question s-sir." Uriel stuttered out.

"Your footwear." I said.

"Uh... Forty six- extra large, sir." He said.

I shook my head in dismay. "Great, email me your home address, I'm here to make a peace offering—and trying to be nice."

"Wha—okay?" He said, unsure of his own words.

"Just send me all the necessary details," I said. "And uh—maybe tone it down on the donuts? It's not on brand."

With that said, I walked into Cade's office.

Cade's head was bent low, reading a file. he had lots and lots of unread files on his table. When I came in, he didn't spear me a glance.

"Hey." I said, taking my seat in front of him.

"Whatever you have to say, please make it worth my while, as you can see... I've got work to do." He muttered, without looking up.

I fought the urge to roll my eyes at his Cadeyness. 

"It won't take much time, Cade." I said.

"Well, what is it?" He asked, leaving no room for beating around the bush.

"Uh... I- I wanted to apologise." I finally let out.

Immediately, his eyes lifted from his work.

His dark eyes were wide with surprise. "Pardon me? I thought I heard you utter the word apologize. Did you?" He asked, looking all serious.

I sighed. "Yes, you heard correctly. I'm honestly sorry for what I said to you at the brunch... I just wanted to piss you off... What I did was really low... I shouldn't have crossed that boundary. It was wrong of me... So... I'm sorry Cade."

Cade's lips were patted in surprise and confusion. His brows furrowed in utter and complete confusion.

"Are you- are you okay?" Cade asked me.

I was taken aback... It was exactly the same question Fay asked, when I apologized. Was I that hard headed? Even to the extent of people asking me if I was okay?

I ignored that feeling, it wasn't needed now.

"Yes, Cade, I'm fine." I said.

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