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I was going to regret this.

Why would I even suggest going with her? I mean... Out of all places, my ex girlfriend's company! What would the press say about it? It wasn't even about the fact that she was my ex girlfriend, cause no one knew that. it was the fact that YD was my rival.

God, the things guilty conscience makes me do.

But I had to do it... This was the phase one of starting over right? Go on dates and smile at everything she says... No matter how ridiculous it sounds... But if this would make everyone happy, it was worth trying out... The phase one was completed this morning... According to what Google told me.

1. Making her breakfast is the fastest means to warm your way into her heart.

So, that's why I did that this morning, but I guess that attempt failed because she thought I wanted to Poison her... Was I that heartless?

The second phase would be going out on dates.

I hope I wouldn't mess up though.

I stole a quick glance at Fay, she was typing away on her phone, there was a soft smile on her face, almost as if she was texting someone and that someone was making her smile.

I ignored it, and focused back on the road.

My fingers drummed lightly on the staring wheel, my eyes were pinned on the cars in front of me and my heart was beating in an unsteady rhythm.

It wasn't the first time, I was still trying to get comfortable with driving. My trauma was only just subsiding and despite the warnings from my ex therapist, I still went ahead to begin driving.

I didn't want anyone beginning to question why I don't drive myself anywhere. I wanted to get over the trauma of that night, I wanted to forget it, but being inside a car or even driving one, tends to place that continuous fear in my heart.

Fay let out a soft chuckle, making me still another glance at her direction. Her smile had gone wider, if she didn't look beautiful then, I wonder what I'd call it... She had that genuine smile that brought out the rarely seen dimples on her cheek. There was just something about her chuckle that made me want to smile. It was cute and hard to resist, almost contagious.

It was doing something to my system, and I wasn't actually comfortable with it...

Whoever she might be texting must be someone close, maybe a friend-

I got distracted from my thoughts when a loud tire screech sound met my ears, subconsciously, I pressed the brake of my car pretty hard, causing Fay and I to jerk forward.

Shit... I didn't see the red light.

"What the hell?" Fay exclaimed. "Didn't you see the red light?"

The incoming car had stopped.

I had a short mental shock as my heart went on over drive.

"You could have gotten us killed... What the hell were you thinking?" She asked, the horror was apparent in her voice.

"I'm sorry, I got distracted." I heard myself say, I was trying pretty hard to stop myself from reliving that moment again.

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