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    I knew I told him I was going to find another way to convince Lucas, but right now, there was nothing I could possibly tell him. I could as well go with Elroy's plan but I didn't like the finality of it...

A break up?

It sounded too final. Lucas was smart, he would suspect something. so that's why I'd have to let my words lead me on this one. Whatever I come up with, we'd bear the cross.

Elroy thought it would be okay to just throw it all out there. He wasn't thinking straight, hell, how could he even be able to do that? Lie to the world? His grandma? Our Fans? Even ourselves?

I was mad at him.

I couldn't even sleep over at his house last night, I had to go to a hotel for the night.

I still wondered how he'd feel okay suggesting that? He sounded so eager to figure out how Lucas knew about that night. He was willing to sacrifice us for a truth we would get either way.

I knew it wasn't going to be for real but it still hurt me to the bone.

My phone vibrated and I actually knew he was the one calling, he had been calling since last night, and I had no intention of answering it until maybe I had spoken to Lucas.

"You can go in now." The nurse said, smiling at me politely before walking away.

I sighed, brushing off the invisible dust from my sunflower knee length gown. Then I proceeded into the hospital room where Lucas had been admitted.

When I got in, I found him in a sitting position, looking all innocent as he scrolled through his phone.

I knocked twice, gaining his attention. He raised his head, welcoming me with his usual warm smile. "Fay... I missed you last night, where did you go?" He asked.

I gulped, finally reaching his side.

Managing a smile, I placed my phone on the table, switching it off. Elroy would blow everything thing up if he called while I was with Lucas. "I had to take care of somethings. How are you feeling? Is it any better?" I asked, feeling sick to my stomach.

Elroy didn't hit him. Which only meant he had someone do it for him. But why would he go through to that length to make me believe him? Why was he even trying to get me when he knew quite well that I belonged to someone else?

Honestly, why didn't I see pass his smile and actions? How clueless had I been of his true intentions?

I wanted to yell at him, I wanted to ask him why he fooled me all this time, why he made me argue with Elroy multiple times.

But I couldn't, oh hell I couldn't do what I really wanted to because Elroy had something else in mind, and I was the only one who could make it happen. Do I even have a say in all this?

"I'm much better now, but you on the other hand, look so tense. Did something happen?" He asked, staring at me with scrutiny.

I pressed my lips together, releasing then back after some seconds, then sighed. "I'm just confused." I answered.

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