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    I shut the door beside me, hoping the thumping of my heart wasn't loud enough for him to hear.

"Hey." I managed.

"Hm. The chef made dinner already, we'll drive home to eat, is that okay with you?" He asked.

I looked up at him. He wasn't smiling, neither was he frowning, he just wore that look, the one that made it difficult for anyone to read his goddam mind. Melissa's words flew back to my mind, reminding me that he wasn't always like this. Don't fear him, he's okay.

"Yeah it is." I said with a small smile.

"Okay." He said, looking away before starting the engine and driving off.

Half way into the drive, we didn't speak to each other, the ride was totally awkward for me, but I bet it wasn't for him. He just focused on the road, clenching his jaw from time to time, reminding me that he wasn't in a mood to talk, or smile or even ask how my day was.

Did he hear everything? Did he even see me and Lucas?

Yes he did! How else would he have known that the both of you were together.

Why didn't he come in? Why didn't he make his presence known?

Hold on... It's not like I said anything bad about him... Or did I? I didn't.

I didn't do anything with Lucas to make me look like a cheating girlfriend, did I?

Damn it, how the hell do I know what he's thinking.

Just ask him. My mind screamed.

Then we'd fight, I knew better than to talk to him when he had this look on... But then again, it wasn't healthy for me to leave things like this, or even fear to confront him.

Damn it, I just don't want to fight with him...

I felt like I knew him better now, considering all that Melissa told me, it was enough to put a name to his behavior... He wasn't born this way... Life made him this way.

Just talk to him Fay, what's the worse that could happen? He'd just ignore me, or worse, yell...

Talk to him, damn it... He's your boyfriend, why would he yell at you? He'd just ignore you, that's all.

Damn it, I might get hurt if he ignores me... I don't want him to ignore me... I should probably keep quiet... Argh! What are you doing Fay?

"How was your visit to Grandma's?" His voice broke me out of my inner battle.

"Oh... It was- it was uh... Okay. She's okay." I answered.

"Hm. Why did she want to see you?"

I gulped, then shrugged. "Just to check up on me."

"Hm." Was all he said after that.

I wasn't going to tell him what she told me... It'd definitely start up an argument... That was the last thing I wanted.

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