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    My fingers found it's way to his hair, pulling him closer to me, his palm moved to cup my face in his hands as we both deepened the kiss at the same damn time, almost like we had played this scene out in our head a thousand times.

The feeling that came with the kiss was what kept us going, unconsciously rising to our knees on the bed, I pressed my body to his, letting my drunken mind take over.

He was intoxicating, his scent, the way he kissed me, the way he held me, it was addicting, I didn't want it to stop. How could I possibly want him to stop?

We broke apart but our faces were still close to each other, as we catched our breaths.

He had this confused look on his brows, almost like he was seeing something different, almost like he was liking what he saw. But at the same time, confused.

He looked like he was going through a debate in his head. Almost like he was scared of me... No... Scared of what he felt when he kissed me.

Did he feel the same way I felt? Was it scaring him like it scared me?

What next?

Before my mind could think of where my heart was telling my hands to go, I found hands going under his shirt, moving upward to his well sculptured torso, untill I eventually raised his shirt above his head, and surprisingly, he allowed me.

Why I did that, I had no idea. Did it have to do with my suddenly heavy heart and bothered body, or my curiosity.

He never allowed me touch him. But now, he allowed my fingers trace the line of his abs in curiosity.

I looked up at him, at his dark eyes, now filled with a look I was so unfamiliar with.

His look propelled me into unbuttoning my shirt.

"You don't have to." His voice was a little husky. Of course he felt the same way I felt, otherwise, he wouldn't sound like this.

"I know, but I want to." I heard myself say.

I should stop myself from doing this, I should stop us from doing what we were considering, but it felt so right, it felt like we were meant to do it now.

I took off my shirt, leaving me with just my bra. I knew he had seen me in just my underwear before, but it had never been in a personal situation.

"You know we shouldn't, not in this state, not so soon. It'd ruin everything." He said, retreating.

But before he could fully back away, I kissed him, biting his lower lip. His groan made me gear up, deepening the kiss, I felt his tongue begging for entrance and I let him, moaning when his tongue met mine.

I felt the jolt in my heart. This make out session was a clear fact that we were both physically attracted to each other, but was it just physical? Why did I feel every kiss hit a core spot in my heart, I could feel the heat connecting with every single vein in my body.

I felt his hand roam down to the small of my back, pulling me close to him as if he couldn't get enough of me.

I was getting in and out of my senses now, my body was begging me to let it take control of itself; and I knew I was going to let it.

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