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It was something I did every two years, I was supposed to be used to it by now. At least, last two years I didn't fret... I went with so much confidence, knowing I would gain my way into the merge program. The pre merge program was always an opportunity for me to show off my skills and designs. But right now, I wasn't feeling so confident.

Maybe it was because my designs weren't totally mine, maybe it was because I'd never had someone else's ideas put in my work before, maybe it was because this time, Yvonne was involved in it.

But I didn't care, I didn't care about Yvonne, I didn't care if someone else's designs were used for my collection, I just simply didn't care. so why the hell was I so nervous?

I took in a deep breath, then unknotted my tie angrily.

I hadn't spoken to Fay for over a week now, anytime I called her, she'd either ignore it, or disconnect it. That only made me confused. I couldn't go to her penthouse because I wasn't sure if Lucas would be there. I didn't want to ruin her plans, but I was eager, so eager to see her.

I tried knotting the tie again.

During the past week, all I could think about was Fay, my thoughts and head were filled with her name, voice, face...

She would be attending the merge program today, that's for sure. I couldn't wait to see her, I needed to know why she completely blocked me out.

I unknotted the tie again.

I mean, we parted on good terms and she warned me not to call her until she called... But she didn't call, she didn't even text, there was no fucking word from her, I was worried, so worried.

I tried my best to withhold myself and wait for her to call or text or maybe visit, but she didn't.

I gave the tie another try again.

Everyone knew... Everyone knew we weren't in good terms, at least, that was what we made them think. I also knew that there would be more people at the merge program today, people who were curious about the sudden silence in our relationship. Hell, I myself was curious... It was almost like we were separated for real.

I wanted to see her today, to ask her why?

Grandma had been pressuring me to go talk to her, she thought that I did something really terrible to make Fay finally move out.

Different stories had been made up about Fay and I. And all this chaos was happening because of Lucas, that fucking bastard.

I unknotted the tie, throwing it on my table, angrily.

"Having issues with your tie?"

I stilled.

What the hell is she doing here?

Turning to her direction, I found her leaning against my door, her dull yellow thigh length gown, hugged her curves gracefully, showcasing her long dark skinned legs. The gown exposed her cleavage a whole tons of lots, and her face was as beautiful as ever, with high cheek bones like a queen. Her hair framed her face. It was a different look, one that suited her perfectly. Her brown hair was now cut short, below her jaw line, she wore it straight and bold.

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