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Last night was confusing.

Those things Elroy had said outside Melissa's house still made me wonder. Was he really serious? Does he really want to make this relationship work?

Or was this another ploy?

I had been asking myself these questions since my interview with a magazine company, earlier today. I couldn't bring myself to stop thinking about him.

I continued to pace back and forth in our room. It was already so late, and he wasn't back from work yet, which was actually odd, because Elroy normally returned by 9 or 8, but now it was 11:35.

Was he okay?

Maybe I should just call him to check on him or something.

No, he'll probably not pick up the call, or would he?

I knew he hated personal calls during work hours, but this wasn't a work hour.

I sighed, fishing out my phone from my purse. I quickly dialed Carter's number. His assistant should know where he was.

Carter picked up at the second ring.

"Fay, to what do I owe the once in a blue moon illusion of you calling me?" His girly voice resounded from his end.

I forced a smile on my face. Not that he could see me or anything. "Uh... Sorry Carter... Elroy isn't back yet... I was uh... Wondering if you guys had extra work to attend to."

There was a small pause at the other end before he spoke. "Elroy isn't back yet?"

"Yes, I thought- wait... He isn't with you, is he?"

"No, I've been out of Sparks since 7, I told him I was leaving... But he never mentioned anything about working late... He should still be at work though."

Carter had a hint of restraint in his words, like he was stopping himself from saying something. "Anything else I need to know?"

I could hear him sigh at the other end. "Actually yes. I'm worried about him."

I scrunched my brows. "How... I mean... Why? Why would you worry about him?"

"He's been in and out of his mind these days... And uh... He only reacts this way whenever his parents remembrance was around the corner. But... It's still like four months from now... I don't know maybe it's the merge program or..." He paused. "I'm just worried Fay. I was just about to call Damien to explain to him but-- I guess you should take on that role."

I honestly didn't know what to say to that. "Oh... Okay... Uh... Thanks. Bye Carter."

He gave a short 'hm' before the line went dead.

I knew Elroy never attended any of his parents remembrance, but it had been plainly because he had work those times, and we all understood. Could He be avoiding it for a particular reason no one knows about? And why?

The remembrance wasn't even close by. So there had to be another reason why he's being weird.

Hold on...since when did I start bothering myself with reasons why Elroy would do this or that?

I had been doing that recently. And I didn't even notice, till now.

I shook my head off the silly thought as I grabbed my purse and set out to Sparks.


I got there not too long after, all the lights in the department were still on, it was almost like people were still in the building, but no one was actually there, except Elroy... His car was still parked outside and he didn't do well with dark places, so that explains the working lights in Sparks by this hour.

I headed straight for his office, and when I got there, I didn't knock, I just pulled open his door.

I honestly didn't know what I was aiming to achieve by not knocking. Maybe I wanted to catch him in the acts of doing something... But what?

It didn't matter anyway, cause he was just sitting there, doing nothing... His eyes met mine immediately I came in. He looked surprised.

I wouldn't blame him... I too was wondering what I was doing here.

"Fay? What are you doing here? Did something happen?" He asked, sitting up.

I inhaled, racking my brain for what to say. "Nothing happened." I answered. "Um- you weren't home and I was wondering why? So... I decided to come check up on you."

He smiled, shutting his laptop and tucking his sketch pad away, before standing up. "I'm sorry... I just didn't realize how late it was. Were you worried?"

"No... I mean... Yes... But... Not that worried." Crap, now I'm just being stupid. "You know what? Never mind. It's obvious that you're okay, I'll just go back home now." I said, placing my hand on the door handle to push it open.

"Wait." He rushed out, scratching the back of his neck. "Have you had dinner yet?"

I was taken aback by his question. A question he had never ever asked me before... Or wait, was I imagining things?

"What?" I asked.

"Dinner, you know... Food, people, eat, night and stuff." He explained.

I rolled my eyes. "No, I haven't." I sighed. "But its late now so... No need, I'll just have an early breakfast tomorrow."

"Don't worry... We could go out now... I know-"

"There's no need for that El... I'm okay." I said, cutting him off.

"Well, I'm not, I'm hungry... I can't actually remember the last time I ate." He said. "There's this late night diner around the corner, we could go there. Just have a quick diner and all... No big deal, right?"


"There are no paparazzi 's around. I promise."

"Its not the paparazzi 's I'm worried about, El... I just don't know why you want time have dinner with me." I said.

He sighed. "Come on, Fay. Its just a normal gesture, its not like I'm secretly planning to cut off your head or something." He smiled.

He's smiling, genuinely.

"I can't be too sure." I said, folding my arms to my chest.

"I just want to have an honest dinner, please. Okay? Please."


"Pretty please? I promise I won't take you to a dark alley and carve out your organs." He smiled, making me want to smile too, and I could tell that he noticed the hint of a smile on my face, considering the look of relief he had on his face.

"Fine... Whatever." I agreed.

And why I did, I have no idea. Maybe I just wanted to go with him... Maybe I just wanted to make sure he had truly changed, maybe deep deep down I wanted him to change... Maybe I wanted him more than I thought possible.

I suddenly couldn't wait for this dinner to begin.

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