It's THOSE TWO's birthday.....

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California stood at the head of a table, which could seat fifty people on normal days. However, today it seated 47 state humans, not counting her. Today was not the usual meeting. Today was a few days before chaose usually broke out and terrible things happened if two very important people weren't honored correctly. Today was May Twenty-Seventh, four days before June First....

Aka, Kentucky and Tennessee's birthday.

Now, of course every state got a birthday. But double birthdays were chaotic. Even so, if not properly executed.... Well, the Transylvania Land Purchase and the fact both States were previous confederates was rather intimidating. However, the states weren't getting any proper planning done. Alabama was beating up Idaho for throwing a potato at him, Hawaii was running from a very mad Kansas who was screaming "GIVE ME A LEI", New York was trying to get everyone to sing Hamilton songs with him..... Yeah, no. This wouldn't do. California deeply inhaled and shouted, "LOOK IT'S BEYONCE", making everyone get quiet and look around.

"Now that I have your attention, do we all know why we're here?" California asked. Since Cali was resident party planner, Nevada immediately yelled "IT'S A PARTY, RIGHT?!" California nodded, and a few states groaned. California's parties tended to catch on fire.

California watched their reactions. Judging from the mixed assortments of groans, they didn't know..... "Do you guys, like, know what this party is for?" The room was quiet for a moment, until Virginia grinned "Memorial Day!!!" California grumbled "ugh, I like forgot about that.... But alas," she posted dramatically "there's something much, much worse upcoming"

New Jersey rolled his non-existent pupils "Wow, shocking, Cali's being over dramatic about something we all forgot about," and a few laughs broke out. Colorado quietly stood "Kentucky and Tennessee are late, we should prank them!" He declared. California huffed "they aren't coming, because it's THEIR birthday we're planning. You know, June First."

"Ohhhhh" Florida said, "I thought we were celebrating Morgan Freeman's on that day." Alabama slapped the back of Florida's head "shut up, retard." "FFFFFFFFF-"

Washington State gasped "Tennessee looks like an apple!!! That's it, I'll paint his face on a bunch of apples!!!" And walked off.

Montana frowns "I don't want to celebrate Tennessee, not since Hannah Monta--" "I GOT THE EYE OF THE TIGER" North Dakota interrupted.

California sighs "this is gonna be a long day." Alaska pats her shoulder "Vodka?"

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