It's THOSE TWO's birthday [PT 3]

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Last time.....

"Alaska put me down!!!!"
"She's going to pay...."
"Do Happy meals cure depression?"

It was the next day now. All of the states had gone home after the meeting. Since Alaska and Hawaii lived so far out, they both ended up staying with different states. Both stayed with California.

Kentucky's POV:

I sat at home alone for a long while, which wasn't very common. See, I have five roommates. So when they all aren't home then something's up. Usually I'd expect Tennessee to be here, but with his birthday coming up he's probably off writing a song or something.

I was about to call West Virginia, when there was the sound of glass breaking coming from either South Carolina's room or mine. I checked mine first, of course, not wanting to go into SC's room. Sadly there was nothing. That was when I heard footsteps. I grabbed my baseball bat and slowly approached the room.....

New Mexico's POV:

Okay, so since I was grouped up with North Dakota, Ohio, and Pennsylvania, I invited them all to stay over!!! It was really fun, but then they all fell asleep at like 4 am. So today they're all really sleeping in! Me, however? I feel asleep late and got up early! Haha! Okay, I'm having second thoughts actually, but they're all waking up and I want to be impressive.....

Nobody's POV:

Pennsylvania rolled over and off the couch, knocking over Ohio who'd been on the couch by them. Ohio fell on North Dakota, earning a violent shout of protest. New Mexico laughed uncontrollably at the three way fight that started, and the others got mad at him and made the fight four way.


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