Utah and Idaho

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Utah's POV:
Ok so my car may have taken a small wrong turn.


Nevermind, we're lost as fuck.

Idaho was napping in the back seat, so it was up to me to figure out where to go. I had no bars here, so so much for Google. I took a trail that lead into some woods, planning to pull a u-turn. I saw a real live alligator on the road and swerved, trying not to hit it. The car crashed into a tree. I will never forget what I felt when I turned to face the now injured Idaho. I took out my phone and started to dial an emergency number.

AN: for those of you who don't know, most if not all phones have a setting where if you're offline you can only call an ambulance, the fire dept., ETC.

Oklahoma's POV:

Tennessee's arm was bleeding. It had been deeply cut when he'd finally busted down the wall. To be honest, I was expecting him to start freaking out, but nothing came. His face became freakishly blank. It was scaring me.

As we ran through the woods, he finally redirected his running and stopped. He began to rip his other sleeve and took a stick, tying the two to stop the blood coming from his arm. He seemed kind of like he'd done this every weekend or something. I asked him why, and all he had to say was "Civil War" to shut me right up.

From that point, he didn't seem as creepy as he did sad. But maybe that's just how I see it.

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