New Hunt

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Mississippi called a state meeting in Georgia, so that Georgia's room could be inspected.

However, very few states showed up. Nobody wanted to get close to the south anymore. Going down there began to look like suicide. Eventually, the meeting was rescheduled to occur in Kentucky, which was still the south but slightly safer.

Delaware had formed a list of the remaining southern states, and kept close track of who showed up.
- Alabama
- Mississippi
- Kentucky
- Georgia

New York, however, was pissed. He immediately had something to say.

"We all know the first crime scene occured in an innocent person's room. This means that Georgia may not have done it." He started, his voice shaking. Virginia had been his previous suspect.

"BUT! This means that ANY ONE of you goddamn Southerners could've done it! Who else would've had access but Mississippi, Georgia, and Dixie himself!?"

Alabama didn't like that one bit. "Alright, who's to say Virginia didn't have a key?" Mississippi nodded, "Virginia had a key. He used to come over and chill in Georgia's room. Anyone could've killed him and gotten in using his key."

Then, a quiet voice attempted to get everyone's attention. "I.... I'm pretty sure I saw something." Wyoming started to say, but was cut off by Indiana "Where's half of the West and Midwest?"

States looked around themselves. Montana, South Dakota, North Dakota, Colorado, Oregon, Alaska and Washington were gone. "I-I thi-" Wyoming tried again but was cut off by Massachusetts "You're right!"

New Mexico got frustrated when he noticed Wyoming being ignored "GUYS listen to Wyoming!!!"

"Th-Thanks..... No one seems to see me these days" Wyoming said, sadly. Then, she continued "Montana and the Dakotas were supposed to come to my house last night, but they never showed up...."

"Do you think they were all taken together?!" Arizona gasped. "Sksksk" "Shut up vsco girl, this is serious!!!"

Utah looked out the window "Do you think that.... We're gonna get hunted down?" He asked Nevada. Nevada shook his head "I don't know...."

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