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Since they had plenty reasons to assume West Virginia was guilty, they tied her to a chair in the meeting room. A very disturbed Alaska and an indifferent New Jersey  were assigned to watch her.

(AN: oml a car with Arkansas plates was keeping our car from moving and my father shouted "COME ON ARKANSASS-")

The other states were dividing into groups. One to stay in the meeting area and interrogate WV, one to sort all discoveries, and two to go hunt down clues and find the missing people. Easy, right?

Alabama decided that he wanted to interrogate, and since the other stuff took too much patience everyone else immedietley agreed that he should stay in one place his anger could be used-

Anyways, since I'm too lazy to make exact team lists I'll just give you who's staying behind to be with West Virginia for any reason really.
New Jersey
New Mexico

Yeah. Well anyways, the interrogating didn't get far because all the group kept getting out of West Virginia was "move on" and garbage like that. Tennessee had left and ended up getting followed by Virginia, since Virgina shared a house with the guy. It was evident Tennessee actually did go home. Virginia looked around the house and saw Tennessee go into the kitchen. He watched as Tennessee just sat at the table and just stared at nothing. It was pretty depressing actually. It almost looked like he wanted to cry, but nothing came out.

North Carolina's POV:

I was on the floor by California's limp body. Her breaths were shallow. I tried to wake her, but nothing worked. I really didn't want her to die. I'd be all alone again. I didn't want to handle these mind games alone again. California had a fever, too. She was really sick, but he didn't care. He didn't care at all. This was what he did to brainwash West Virginia, probably. This is what he did. He probably let Kentucky die in front of her slowly but surely. I didn't like this. I didn't want to lose it. I didn't want to be taken over. I couldn't let it happen. But it's hard to be strong when no one knows you're even alive..... It's been almost an entire month now and I've been put through so much mental pressure that I'm unsure if I can hold on. I really need the other states to hurry. For both mine and California's sakes.

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