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Mississippi sighed. "Alabama, I'm gonna go figure out why Georgia ain't here yet." Alabama nodded, trying not to burn himself while preparing bacon.

Usually, Mississippi would just barge in. But the door was locked and she didn't wanna buy a new door. Mississippi knocked on Georgia's bedroom door. "Georgia, you up?" There was no response. Mississippi knocked harder. Still nothing. "GEORGIE FUCKIN PORGIE GET OUT HERE" No reply. Mississippi went to get a screwdriver, still not wanting to buy a new door. She took the screwdriver and began to take Georgia's door knob off the door.


Wyoming was in his home state, checking his social media. He'd quit trying to show up to state meetings, lately. No one would listen to him. It was almost like they couldn't see him.

Sometimes he'd go online, and his online friends would ask him where he was from. He'd say, "Wyoming", abd they'd respond with "Wyoming is fake". Wyoming didn't understand why it had to be him...

Well, lately the fact that no one spoke to him became more important. Because he'd found a secret room in Virginia's house the other day, but no one ever listened.

So Wyoming left those assholes to rediscover it

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