The Email

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Utah got a message from North Dakota, and sighed in relief. She calmed the now loud and chaotic room by loudly stating, "Hey, I got a message from North Dakota!"

The room quieted down only a little. Idaho quickly asked what the text was about, as he'd quit licking a potato. Potato licker.

"Well," Utah began to read, "it says to check my email...." "Well, what are you waiting for?" California asked, earning a few hard glances from her impatient attitude.

Utah checked her email, and saw a shared email that had been originally sent from "" to North Dakota's email. It was a video. Multiple states hung over Utah's shoulder, trying to get a glimpse of the screen.

The video started off with someone tied to a chair, arms tied to the arms of the chair and legs tied to the legs, a pillowcase over their face. Someone with red skin, who never once looked at the camera, approached the chair and took the pillow case off to reveal an unharmed but terrified South Dakota.

Another voice spoke as the red-skinned state left the view of the camera. "North Dakota, we're expecting you to rejoin us. I think your dear sister would appreciate it..."

Another person with blue skin approached the bound South Dakota, writing basically slut shaming messages on her face, arms, and legs. South Dakota couldn't do anything but endure this. "If you don't return, North Dakota, I swear..... We're going to break her pretty face by the time we get to you." South Dakota started looking wide-eyed at something to the side of the camera, but the video ended.

The state meeting room was quiet. Until Colorado exclaimed, "What the hell is their problem?!" Utah basically latched onto Colorado, upset by that video. Wyoming layed her head on the table, saying that she should've stayed home.

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