His Gun PT 2

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Oklahoma stirred in her sleep, slowly opening her eyes just in time to see Texas strip Alabama of an object of some sort. Wait, was that a gun?

She stumbled to her feet as Texas slammed the gun over Alabama's head and knocked him out, as shooting at such a close distance with a shotgun was really messy. Texas locked eye contact with Oklahoma, and she started to sob. "Texas, how could you do this?! I-I-- we all trusted you!!!" Texas looked away and lifted up Alabama, opening the window. Oklahoma screamed for him to stop, but she was still weak from surgery and couldn't hold Texas back. Texas pushed Alabama out of the three story building.

Oklahoma started to run, and as she did saw Texas following her. Why was the hospital so quiet all of a sudden? Where was everyone?! She was almost at the door now.... And she made it out. Oklahoma heard Texas curse behind her. She wasn't out of the woods yet!

((A.N: that's a way to say she isn't safe. They aren't in the woods -_- ))

Oklahoma started to run. She saw North Dakota sitting idly in a car. "NORTH DAKOTA, HELP!!!" He looked up, saw Texas, and climbed out quickly to do quite the opposite. He did his best to hold her back. This didn't last long, as Oklahoma was literally fighting like her life depended on it, but by the time she'd broken free Texas had approached them and held her still. Oklahoma tried to scream for help, but nothing came out. She was forced into the car. North Dakota started to drive while Texas held her still in the back.....


"So, Alabama's not answering after hanging up suddenly?" New Mexico asked Mississippi over the phone, nervously. "No, he isn't. And Oklahoma ain't picking up either." In the background of Mississippi's phone, Arkansas's crying could be heard. She was scared. "I'm sorry, New Mexico I have to go. Arkansas is going to have a heart attack or something." "No, no. It's fine, don't let me keep you from someone in need. Just let me know if they call back."

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