You're Paranoid, Huh?

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Virginia joined Tennessee at the table. They talked for a bit, but it wasn't like old times. Not at all. Even so, they both acted like they could be normal after all of this drama. And eventually, Tennessee said something that Virginia could agree upon. "I really want to get rid of those damn iris scented candles.... I don't want to smell Kentucky's corpse in my fucking room." Virginia thought for a moment "why would his corpse smell like your state flower? Do you think...." Tennessee gasped "There's no fucking way he died in this house! I wouldn't expect West Virginia to be so sloppy unless she wanted it to be known that she-" his voice broke off. Virginia thought out loud "unless she was being blackmailed or something and wanted to be caught." Both Tennessee and Virginia stood. That was when someone knocked on the door. "Oh, hey Tex" Tennessee said after Virginia opened the door to a solemn, entirely dressed in black Texas. He looked like Darth Vader and a germiphobe combined, he hid so much skin. "Texas? This is unlike you?" "Where have you been, buddy!" Tennessee ran up to him and offered him a high five. But Texas shouldered past them both and entered the house. "Close the door" he said. Virginia and Tennessee exchanged uneasy glances. Either Texas was pissed or he was pissed.

They all sat around the table. "So, Texas, where've you been for this last month?" Virginia asked. Texas sighed. "All of this death isn't doing too good on my brain. Have y'all even figured anything out about the murders to put me at ease?"

And so the three men exchanged theories on the events, Texas denying everything saying he thought it over. Tennessee looked at him carefully "you're scared, aren't you?" "Wha-- no!!!" Texas responded quickly. Virginia chuckled "everything's bigger in Texas, including your ego." "I mean, to be honest, all of the deaths are slowly getting further down south, closer to me. Hell, Oklahoma got injured badly." Tennessee gasped "Really?! Ah, that sucks! I haven't heard about that yet." Virginia solemnly looked down. They continued talking for an hour until someone knocked on the door. Great, a bunch of wanna be detectives. But no one protested. Everyone was too antsy to deny anything that could help, anyways.

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