17. Exposed

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Thiago winks at me as I approach. "Some of us have had an exciting time this morning. Clothes and book borrowing, also known as..."

Grey leans forward and smacks Thiago on the back of the head, preventing him from finishing his sentence, then casually sits back not looking at me.

I roll my eyes at Thiago as I grab a plate and position myself between Darla and Lena. I glance around looking for Gloria. I need to locate these keys which I guess she carries around with her. She's nowhere to be seen.

"So Grey likes his girls covered and prudish." Olexander laughs. "That's why you were so unsuccessful, Darla, you're the complete opposite."

"Nothing to be ashamed of. Different strokes for different folks." Darla shrugs unfazed.

I chuckle as I spoon the food from the dishes onto my plate.

"So you've managed to see what she's hiding under all those layers, Grey? I'm surprised she gave it up so quickly. Darla said she doesn't even change in front of them." Mariana's eyes drift over me dismissively.

Lena frowns."I don't know what type of upbringing you had Mariana, but most of us were taught by the State to never expose our naked body to anyone other than our spouse," Lena says defensively, placing a hand on my shoulder. It's sweet she's trying to support me. "At Reflection Youth, we were regularly reminded of our roles to keep ourselves pure and untouched so it makes the bond with your spouse even more special."

Mariana scoffs. "I hate to break it to you Lena but at your last job, none of those men were you spouse, and your beloved Reflection Youth is just another way for The State to brainwash you, the same State who enforce laws which means we have to choose between here or being sent to a labour camp or hung."

Lena shrinks back in her chair.

Mariana turns towards me. "As for you, if you're willing to jump into bed with Grey at the first opportunity, you're obviously not as self-conscious or shy as everyone believes so either you're hiding some deformed body under all that material or you just enjoy looking like a freak."

"It's a bit of both," I retort. "I'm just thankful I can cover my deformed body whereas there's no way you can hide your horrendous personality."

A few muffled chuckles escape people's mouth then minutes pass by while we eat in silence.

Darla props her elbow on the table and waves around a fork. "How deformed are we talking? Does it affect a limb? The whole body? Are you seriously messed up or just a little bit odd-looking?"

Several groans drift across the table and before I can formulate a sentence, I'm interrupted by a bundle dropping into my lap.

"We'll find out soon enough," Gloria says from behind me before walking away.

Holding up the leather straps which have been given to me, I inspect what looks like a belt but the gnawing sensation at my stomach tells me otherwise. The leather tangles in my hands and I have no clue which parts are meant to cover what. Logistically, I'm not convinced it will cover anything. This cannot be my outfit.

"Gloria, I can't wear this," I stammer.

"You can and you will," Gloria calls over her shoulder.

My eyes dart to Grey who is shaking his head, warning me not to push any further but I jump up, clutching the leather tightly.

"No, I won't," My voice cracks as the words get stuck in my throat. "I'm working at the bar with Grey who didn't have to wear the same outfit everyone else did. Wouldn't it be more practical for me to just wear my usual clothes like him? Grey?" I glance at him, desperately needing his support.

"The outfit is pointless, hardly any customers come to the bar to be served," Grey says casually but I can see his jaw tensing.

I'm dragging him into my fight which he's not happy about, I just hope Gloria doesn't punish him for supporting me.

"You will wear the same as the other girls." Gloria turns to glare at me then Grey.

"I'm not wearing this," I say loudly.

Hush descends across the room, the tension so thick I can feel it pressing down on my chest. Everyone is focussed on Gloria and me. The look of disbelief on her face tells me people don't often refuse Gloria's instructions.

Gloria strides towards me, seizing me by the neck, her fingers dig into my skin reducing the air supply to my lungs. "You will do as I say or we are going to have a problem, do you understand?"

"I'm not going to wear it," I choke out.

Lottie is shaking her head and I can hear Lena whispering, her voice begging me, "Just wear it. Just wear it."

"Taylor. Bo," Gloria shouts.

Two guards grab me by the arms, holding me in place. The leather outfit drops from my hand onto the floor.

Grey stands up and moves towards me but Thiago and Olexander grab his arms and hold him back. Gloria pulls out a switchblade and my heart is pounding. The only noise I can hear is the rushing of blood through my body, hot and thick, soon to be gushing on the floor.

Fixed in position by Taylor and Bo, my desperate attempts at freeing myself from their grip make no difference. I'm unable to move.

Gloria thrusts the knife towards me, pressing it against my neck she swoops downwards managing to miss my skin but slicing the jumper in one swift smooth movement. Grabbing the trousers, she replicates the action. My whole body tenses as she moves to my back repeating the procedure; pulling at the torn material, I'm left standing in just my underwear, my bare unmarked skin on show.

My head spins, nausea burning up my throat and I'm unable to follow my instinct to run. I have no idea what to do. I'm trapped for everyone to see.

Gloria inhales sharply. "Turn her around."

I focus on the ground as I'm forced to face the gaping audience. Years of hiding, the things I've had to do. It's all been for nothing.

"Should I phone Lars?" Taylor asks Gloria.

Gloria doesn't respond. Staring at me, she doesn't say anything.

"Gloria?" Taylor prompts.

"No, I will," Gloria's voice is low, she doesn't take her eyes off me.

Taylor and Bo's grip tightens around my arms and the pain is a welcome distraction from the slow dread building up in my stomach.

"This is not good," Gloria mutters quietly under her breath.

No one moves, everyone transfixed, cast under a spell by my unmarked shame.

Gloria's eyes don't leave me as she barks, "Everyone go to your rooms."

Chairs scrape, feet shuffle, no one speaks. I glance up and I see the looks on their faces, a mixture of disgust and disbelief. I'm a freak. I shouldn't exist, not like this. Being unmarked is abnormal. Grey is nowhere to be seen. He's quick to distance himself like the rest. I don't blame him.

"Keep her here, and don't let her out of your site," Gloria says to Bo and Taylor as she paces towards the Office, twisting the switchblade in her hand.

Soon, I'm going to be hanging from a platform, punished for not being given a Birth Brand. A choice which was not my fault.

Author's note:

I hope you're enjoying the story. Don't forget to vote if you are xx

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