23. I May As Well Be Naked

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My head shakes from side to side at the minuscule outfit Rena holds out. Ribbons of lace are barely being held together by strings of pearls. How would any of those scraps of material and pearls stay in place or cover necessary parts?

We've been arguing over the clothing Rena has chosen for me or rather lack of clothing for a while now. I'm refusing to get dressed until she gives me an actual outfit. One which will cover my bits, not get lost in them.

Standing in Gloria's office, I wrap my arms around myself, securing the clothes I have on currently, decent skin-covering clothes.

"I'm not wearing that," I shout again.

"You will wear this, even if I have to force you into it myself." Rena grabs my arm tightly. Her face has turned a deep shade of purple which reminds me of the red cabbage dish we ate yesterday.

"Just you try," I snarl, trying to pull free of her grasp.

"Don't push me, little girl. Put the outfit on now." Rena's face is puckered, a vessel in her temple bulges and throbs as it flows thick with irritation and anger.

"That is not an outfit. There's not even enough material to blow my nose with let alone cover my body."

"Every night, a little more needs to be revealed. I mentioned this to you a few nights ago." She inhales deeply, mentally calming herself while her grip releases ever so slightly allowing the blood to return to my arm. "Stop being fussy and get dressed."

"At this rate, you'll have me completely naked by tomorrow night," I hiss.

"Not completely. Key parts will be covered," Rena says flatly.

"No, no, no." I step backwards but Rena's fingers tighten around my skin, her nails digging in and preventing me from escaping.

The door swings open, and Gloria, Lena and Mariana walk into the office.

"What is all the noise about?" Gloria addresses Rena as she ignores me. She barely speaks to me now. "Why is she not dressed? People will be arriving soon."

"She's refusing to put it on." Rena scowls and releases my arm. Pressing her fingertips against her eyes, she huffs loudly.

"You wear it if you like it so much." I rub my stinging arm.

"I have one that's identical which I wear regularly, thank you very much." Rena glares at me. I would love to say she's joking but the tone of her voice tells me she's not.

Rena glares at me. "You could be beautiful, even with no marks. Yet you are intent on acting like an awkward self-conscious immature girl. This is your life now. This is your fate. Accept it."

"I will never accept this life," I scream, grabbing the skimpy item from Rena's hand. I rip it apart, pearls scatter and strands of lace fall silently to the floor by my feet.

Rena's eyes widen in shock, baring her teeth, she swings her hand towards me and her palm connects with my cheek; the force causes me to stumble sideways. Heat radiates across my face, tears spring to my eyes. I want to raise my hand to my burning skin but I don't. I want to cry but I don't allow the tears to fall. I stand up straight, refusing to show Rena anything but contempt.

"You can make this as easy or as hard as you want to. Go out naked for all I care, but you will be going out there even if I have to drag you myself," Gloria's voice wavers. She looks tired and stressed. "Cady, don't make things harder than they need to be. Do what Rena says and go along with the plan."

Gloria leaves the room, slamming the door on her way out.

The plan? To be auctioned off and sold to the highest bidder. I want to scream and fight back, but I know it's pointless.

Mariana shakes her head. "Stop moaning and get dressed. Since you've arrived, we've had to dress and act differently. None of us want to wear this rubbish but we put up with it. Those customers are disgusting, a bit of money and they think they own the place as well as us but we don't complain. We play our part so now it's your turn. Stop being so pathetic."

"For once, Mariana, shut your mouth and get over yourself," Lena snaps. "I like the change. It's better than our usual rough drunk customers. This is a great opportunity for all of us so stop pretending you're so hard done by. Your tips are better than they've ever been and I know you're looking to save up so you can buy your way out of here just like the rest of us."

Mariana growls at Lena before swivelling around and storming out the office.

Lena is wrong. This isn't an opportunity for me. Maybe for them, if they want to add to their worthless savings because, in reality, Lars won't let them pay to get out of here. When they become too old and worn out, he'll transfer them somewhere else, somewhere even cheaper where faded looks and old age are side thoughts. The customers will ignore those flaws due to the extremely low prices.

"Can't she wear the outfit she was wearing yesterday?" Lena suggests to Rena. "You could alter the shimmering dress so it's a little shorter, therefore, shows more skin but not too much."

My insides warm from Lena's support. She's trying to help, to be a friend and I've only ever had one of those before. Teddy.

"Tomorrow night cannot arrive quick enough." Rena sighs, shaking her head.

My stomach knots. I wish tomorrow night would never arrive. From tomorrow night, I will no longer belong to myself, I will be someone's property. A piece of property which they can do whatever they want with.

Tomorrow night will be when I completely lose myself.

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