41. Coercion

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My body tenses as I approach Jas. I'm using all my strength to restrain myself from acting on the multiple ways flitting through my mind on how I could remove the smirk plastered across his face.

"Alicia," Jas's voice is deep and smooth.

I'd always liked his voice but now it fills me with dread. The sound penetrates to my core causing a ripple of goosebumps to spread across my body.

His eyes twinkle mischievously. "Oh sorry, I meant to say, Cady. Lovely name. It suits you better than Alicia."

"What do you want?" I say stiffly, glancing back at the café. The three of them are visible through the large glass window, deep in conversation.

"Don't worry, Orla and Zed will keep your husband distracted for a moment while we discuss some important matters." Jas's voice is dripping with sarcasm as he slowly pronounces the word 'husband'.

I keep my face expressionless, trying not to react to his knowledge of all our names.

"Orla was meant to find an excuse to bring you out to me but you've saved her the hassle. You always were very observant and direct, straight to the point when it was needed which is why I thought it would be better for me to talk to you alone, without the others distracting us."

Jas takes my arm in his, securing it firmly so I'm unable to get away unless I make a scene. It's a tactical move, he knows I won't draw attention to myself in a public place.

"Charlie sends her apologies. However, the Officials have taken a sudden interest in her since yesterday, so she asked that I stand in for her today. What did Charlie tell you yesterday?"

"Lots of things."

Jas chuckles. "There's no need to hide anything from me. I am part of the same organisation as Charlie."

"Does this organisation have a name?" I ask.


"A nameless rebellious organisation who are trying to overthrow The State. Sounds destined for failure."

"I don't think you understand how large we are, how integrated our members are in society. They are the waiters who serve you coffee, teachers who are meant to educate children on The State's belief system, the hotel manager who used to be your client." Jas grips my arm tighter and starts to guide me along the sidewalk. "Some divisions conjure up ridiculous names but ultimately they all fall under our organisation. We all have the same end goal and being nameless gives us a distinct advantage because anyone captured and interrogated can't be linked to the same group. The State are clueless to how widespread our organisation is."

"Clever you," I say sarcastically as he continues to pull me along.

"Charlie wants you to join us. She believes you could act as a sort of role model, somehow fuel the idea that The State is trying to control us with brands and marks which is why they are so set on destroying you. I, on the other hand, believe having an Unmarked will do little to help our cause. People won't identify with you, they'll think of you as an odd spectacle and we already have enough support. Numbers are not our problem."

"So your group haven't been looking for me?"

"We have for a long time. It was Charlie's pet project. She has something of an obsession with Unmarkeds."

"Because her sister and unmarked niece were killed?" I ask.

Jas's pauses for a moment watching me carefully before continuing to pull me along as we turn a corner. "She's adamant there's some significance in the State's execution of Unmarkeds and their parents."

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