4 | Wide Eyed

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"Hey, kiddo, wake up," a voice said to Maya, shaking her awake. She slowly opened her eyes and let out a shout of surprise when she saw who it was.

"You, you-your dead," she said freaking out slightly.

"Well, you aren't wrong, I am, but for some reason, I can touch and talk to you, and I need your help with something," Mason said before walking out her room.

Maya grabbed a sweatshirt before following him out. "What is going on?"

"No idea."

"You haven't done anything stupid yet, have you?"

"Define stupid."


"I may have gotten revenge on Damon. Twice."

"Of course you did, and now I'm going to call him and he gets to help us on super this secret mission of yours."

"Not happening."

"Too late," she said holding up the ringing phone to her ear.

"What do you want wolfie?" Damon's voice rang in her ear.

"I have a surprise for you," Maya teased.

"What is it? I'm a little busy right now dealing with...a problem."

"Yeah, well, let's just say I'm pretty sure the surprise will be worth it, meet me at the old Lockwood cellar." She then hung up and threw on shoes, dragging Mason out of the door.

"I'm surprised you showed," Mason said emerging from the dark corner causing Damon to jump.

"You put a snag in my only other Klaus lead. So I'd say I'm highly motivated."

Mason handed Damon the other lantern, "Mikael? Yeah. That didn't turn out so great, did it?"

"How do you know so much?"

Mason frowned slightly before answering, "There isn't much to do over there, we pretty much just sit around and watch people screw up."

"What are we looking for?"

"There's an old Lockwood family legend about a weapon that can kill an Original vampire. Like the rest of their secrets, they kept it buried." Mason attempted to break down the wall but failed so Damon took the shovel and did it himself.

"Go for it," Mason said.

"You first."

"Oh come on," Maya said before pushing past them both.

They continued their walk through the hidden part of the cellar, "I'm still waiting for the other shoe to drop. Your motives are deceptively pure."

"If you keep waiting for the other shoe to drop you won't be able to appreciate the good stuff," Maya pointed out.

"When did you become an optimist?"

"When did you become an asshole?" He glared at her.

"Which way?" Damon questioned as they came across a two way tunnel.

"Flip a coin," Mason remarked.

"Aren't you supposed to be all knowing?"

"He isn't God. Go left," Maya decided but noticed he hadn't moved, "Move it before I make you."

"Fine, mom," he groaned before he took a step forward. All of the sudden sharp wooden poles coated in vervain shot out of the walls. Mason walked away.

In Your Dreams | K. MIKAELSONWhere stories live. Discover now