9 | I've Got A Dark Alley And A Bad Idea That Says You Should Shut Your Mouth

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Maya had been waiting for Abby, Bonnie, and Stefan to show up in the Lockwood cellar and they were running late.

"It was a choice Bonnie, you made it and now we have to live with it. You told Klaus where the coffins were and he took them. All of them except this one," Stefan said approaching where Maya stood. He stayed put as Abby and Bonnie entered.

"That's the one that's sealed?" Abby asked.

"Yep. Fortunately, it seems to be the one he cares about the most."

"Aren't you coming inside?"

"Vampires can't get in. Damon had to have Maya get it in here with help from Alaric."

"This is a bad idea."

"Look, if you're really the key to opening up that coffin, I think it's a pretty safe bet you're on Klaus's hit list. So I suggest you hideout here and figure out a way to open up the damn thing."

"I told you, I don't have any powers."

"And I don't believe you. But time's ticking. Won't be long before Klaus calls his hybrids to find that coffin and kill all of us. So dig deep, Abby Bennett. Scrape out whatever magic you have left."

"Now that you two are here, I have to go check on Bill Forbes, make sure nothing's happened to him. I will be back as soon as he's discharged," Maya said before leaving right after Stefan had.

She then headed to the hospital and found him packing up. "They discharged you?" Maya asked from the door.

"Yeah, I just have to give them these papers," he said holding up his papers.

"I'll take you home."

He nodded his head in gratitude before leaving to give the nurses his papers. He had been gone awhile before Maya got concerned. She got up and found Caroline and Elena wondering to a closet. They entered and the stench of blood was strong.

"Dad! Dad?" Caroline shouted bending down to her dad.

"Oh my god," Elena said covering her mouth.

"Don't be dead, don't be dead, don't be dead," Caroline said pulling out the knife as it dropped to the floor, "Daddy!"

"Caroline..." Maya said from behind them causing them both to look at her, "he had vampire blood in his system."

"What?!" she shouted before he woke up with a gasp.

They had managed to move him back to the hospital room and clean up the mess with no problem. Caroline compelled the nurse to stay out of the room.

Maya approached the room, she felt horrible, she said she would make sure nothing happened and it did. "Hey, uh, I have to go. Damon and Stefan need my help with an original vampire thing."

"Yeah, um, we'll be fine. Elena's here and my mom is on her way. You should go," Caroline reassured.

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure." Maya nodded and left with an awful feeling in her stomach as she met up with Stefan and Damon.

"I still don't understand why I had to come," Maya said as they walked up the steps.

"The Original vampires seem to like you, we figure if you're here, the deal will go smoother," Damon explains as they approach the door and he knocks.

"Niklaus, our guests have arrived," Elijah said looking at Damon and Stefan, Maya unable to be seen, seeing as she stood behind them.

"Damon. Stefan. Elijah tells me, you seek an audience. Very bold. Let's discuss the terms of our agreement like civilized men, shall we?" Klaus said from behind Elijah.

In Your Dreams | K. MIKAELSONWhere stories live. Discover now