26 | Forever Young

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Maya woke up to the sun shining through the window of the living room.

Last night she fell asleep watching T.V., which she hasn't been able to do in a long time.

She tried to sit up but found it more difficult than usual. She ate a lot but not enough to make it almost impossible to get up.

Maya threw the blanket she had on off and her eyes widened when she saw her stomach.

Rather than the small bump that was there yesterday, her stomach had grown and appeared as though she were 9 months pregnant, not 3.

She pushed herself into a sitting position and looked around for her phone. Using her hands to push off the couch, she attempted to stand, but ultimately failed.

Across the room, on the table next to the T.V., was her phone.

Once more, with all of her strength, she forced herself to stand. Panting slightly at the use of so much energy, she made her way across the room and called Elena.

"Hey, is everything alright?" Elena asked.

"Yeah, yeah," Maya said, still out of breath from her short walk across the room. "It's just-" she began but let out a loud groan in pain and clutched her stomach.

"Maya?!" Elena shouted through the phone.

"It's the babies," Maya explained, "they're coming."

"What? How is that even possible?"

"I don't know. I need you to get Meredith and haul ass up here because there is no way I'm going to be able to do this myself."

"Yeah, yeah okay, is there anything else you need me to do."

"Call Liam, he should be on his way anyway because he told me he was coming to visit. I also need you to call Klaus, I know you hate him but it's his kid too. Tell him if he pulls any bullshit, I'll kill him myself. Bring Jeremy and Matt if you need to, the more the merrier right? Um, that's all I can think of. Just hurry."

"Got it, okay, see you soon."

Maya hung up the phone and slowly made her way back to the couch.

"Why now?" Maya asked, touching her stomach.

After what felt like forever to Maya, Elena entered the house, followed by Meredith who had a bunch of medical equipment and Jeremy and Matt.

"How are you feeling?" Meredith asked as she set up the portable ultrasound.

"Pretty good, but, uh, how is this even possible?" Maya asked.

"I'm not sure. It could be the witches trying to protect the babies or the babies trying to protect themselves, hell, it could be you who did this. Magic is complicated."

"I was supposed to have 6 more months, 6 more months to get ready. I don't even have diapers yet, let alone cribs. What am I gonna do?"

"I called Caroline on the way up here, she said she would go to the store and pick up some stuff for you. She's gonna meet us once she has everything. Liam's on his way and Klaus is MIA."

"Give me my phone," Maya demanded as she pointed at the table across the room.

Jeremy immediately walked across the room and grabbed it for her.

"Thank you," she said before calling Klaus.

"Pick up, pick up, pick up," Maya whispered. The call went to voicemail and she let out a groan.

"Damn it Klaus, the one time I actually want you around, you're nowhere to be found? I swear to God, if you don't show up, I'll have your head on a stick. Tell your idiotic brother to pull his head out his ass and let Damon free of his compulsion so I can have my best friend here with me or you two can both enjoy being beheaded," Maya said into the phone before hanging up.

In Your Dreams | K. MIKAELSONWhere stories live. Discover now