7 | The Weight Of Us

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"They've been calling for me?" Maya asked again, still trying to wrap her brain around.

"Yes and we aren't sure why," Bonnie repeated.

"You're positive?"


"What am I supposed to do?"

"That's what you're here to find out."

Bonnie and Maya were casting a spell in an attempt to open the coffin, but it's still locked shut.

"Why won't you open?!" Bonnie shouted in aggravation.

"I'm going to see if I can find anything that can help. I'll be back in 30," Maya said before she went to leave but she was suddenly thrown back by an invisible force. She let out a groan in pain as the coffins disappeared and the floorboards began to creak.

"Hello? Someone there?"

Bonnie told Maya to stay put so it wouldn't happen again and went to investigate. She was about to head up the stairs when she saw Damon, who gestured for her to stay quiet. She obeyed. Damon vamp-sped away and left Bonnie confused.

Bonnie left a little while after, leaving Maya, who couldn't leave because the witches wouldn't let her, with Damon and Stefan.

Damon had been hitting the coffin with a shovel for the past hour but nothing has happened.

"Why don't you just give up?" Maya asked from her position on the floor. The witches wouldn't allow Maya to leave for who knows what reason.

"You're wasting your time. It won't open," Stefan said and then asked, "Did you bury the body?"

"Yeah," Damon said as though it should be obvious, "Any sign of our little hybrid buddies?"

"Nope, just the dead one."

"Alright, Klaus has 6 siblings. Rebekah is now with Klaus. There was one dead kid in the old world, one dead kid in the new world, which leaves Elijah and two others. Three sleeping originals, four coffins. So, who is in the locked box?"

"No idea. But whatever is in here, Bonnie seems to think will help us kill Klaus. So, the sooner she can get this open, the sooner we will know if she's right."

"Oh, you think the spirits of a bunch of dead witches that can make the coffins invisible would have figured out how to open one," Damon said looking up at the ceiling expectantly, "Fine, don't help."

"No..." Maya muttered mostly to herself but the two with vampire hearing turned to her in confusion.

"What is it wolfie?" Damon questioned


"Right..." he said with uncertainty.

"You know, none of this is gonna do us any good if Klaus's hybrid friends find our hiding place, right? They need to go away," Stefan said ignoring Maya.

"Oh yeah, that's a great idea Stefan. Why don't you just ask them to pack their bags and take a long rest while we are at it. How about trying to keep the peace? Don't attract attention to the real thing we are trying to hide."

"Well, I'm not gonna play defense when I have what Klaus wants. He does what I say, or I dump his family to the bottom of the ocean."

"And then he kills you and everyone you know like, I don't know...us!"

"No, he's bluffing. His family means more to him than anything else."

"You sure about that?"

"Well I don't know Damon. I mean, I guess there's only one way to find out, right? Call his bluff."

In Your Dreams | K. MIKAELSONWhere stories live. Discover now