16 | Papa Don't Preach

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"Is there anyway I can do a DNA test or something to know whose it is?" Maya asked hopping off the hospital bed.

"You would need to bring them here or just some form of DNA, such as hair, from the person you suspect to be the father," Meredith explained.

"Okay, I'll see what I can do," Maya said as she headed to the door.

"Out of sheer curiosity, who do you think it is?"

"You'll find out if I can get their hair."

Maya left the hospital in no hurry to get to the memorial for the people who died at the Pastor's Ranch. She had stayed the night at the hospital so Meredith could run any tests that she had.

As soon as she arrived, she found Matt and Elena laying out memorial pamphlets on the pews of the church.

"How are you feeling? A little strung out?" Matt asked out of guilt because she was the way she was because of him.

"I'm fine. It's just my emotions are all over the place. Everything's heightened. I mean just the sight of all the names of the dead makes me want to cry for a week."

"You get used to it," Maya said joining in on the conversation.

"It doesn't feel that way, how are you doing this and not turning it off?" Elena asked.

"I give myself 5 minutes of pity a day."

"You what?" Matt asked confused.

"5 minutes, I cry, I complain about how much my life sucks and wish that I could go back and then I stop."

"And it works?" Elena said intrigued.

"Yep. Also, you know, you didn't have to volunteer."

"People died. People we've known our whole lives, so yeah, I did."

"Is that April?" Maya said looking at the girl who sat at the front of the church.

"Yeah," Matt confirmed.

"Oh, wow," Elena said following Maya over to her.

"Hey there," Elena spoke first.

"Hey. Long time, no see. Not since..."

"My parent's funeral."

"Yeah," April confirmed accepting Maya's and Elena's hugs.

"Are you gonna survive this?" Maya asked.

"They want me to speak. I guess all the kids who lost somebody can. What am I supposed to say? I'm sorry my dad didn't fix the gas line? But, if I don't say anything then...I mean, what if nobody does? My dad and I didn't always get along or anything but, everybody still deserves to have nice things said about them at their own funeral, you know? I mean, for my mom's funeral, everybody said these really nice things."

"You say what you want to say or you don't say anything at all. And don't worry about your dad, everyone in this town loved him."

"Yeah," April said choking up, "Until two days ago."

"Even still," Elena said grabbing her hand before suddenly pulling away and jumping up. "I'm sorry, I...I have to go."

"We'll be right back," Maya said to April quickly before rushing off after Elena.

"Elena, let me in," Maya said knocking on the basement bathroom door.

"Is your friend okay?" A strange man spoke from behind her.

"Uh, yeah," Maya said turning to face him, "she's fine, she doesn't do well with death and started freaking out and spilled coffee on her dress."

"I'm Connor," the man said, putting his hand out to shake hers.

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