13 | Exhale

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"Yeah, we're about to leave now," Maya said into the phone as she put her stuff away. "Is there anything I should know?"

"Well, where do I start. Alaric has an evil alternative personality as a result of dying too many times with the ring who hates anything supernatural. We had weapons that could kill an original but we ended up giving them to Klaus because Rebekah had kidnapped me and drained me of vervain. Finn is dead, his whole sire line along with it. Alaric's alter ego had the last dagger that could kill an original, who, let me point out, could be the sire of my bloodline. Turns out Jeremy was never safe and Kol was with him the whole time. Oh, also, Elena and I kissed again," Damon said casually.

"Wait, so let me get this straight. Alaric is full on 'Jekyll and Hyde' ing it. You did something dumb that lost us our leverage. We can't kill any other original without risking killing all of our friends and you and Elena had another moment?"

"Yeah, sounds about right."

"I'm gone for all of five seconds and everything went to shit, the only good thing that came from it being that my ship is sailing."

"Your what is what now?"


"Get your ass home wolfie. There's a dance tonight and something always happens at dances. Plus, if I have to go, you have to go."

"Yeah, yeah, I'm on my way." She hung up the phone before swinging her bag over her shoulder and joining Liam by the car.

"I'll return the keys," Liam said taking Maya's key and going to the lobby.

Her phone rang again causing her to roll her eyes. "Damon, I told you I'm coming."

"Don't come home," a voice that was a mere whisper and static that sounded oddly like Alaric said through the phone before the line clicked.

Maya stared down at her phone in confusion when Liam joined her in the car. "We should be there a few hours before the dance starts. You can come or not, it's up to you."

"What else would I do?"

"Good point. The theme is the 20s we can stop at a vintage shop in town."

"I have to dress up?"

"You need to blend."

"Can I change my mind?"

"Nope, too late to back out now."

He let out a groan as they continued on the road back to Mystic Falls.

After they got their clothes for the dance, they stopped at Maya's place to put their stuff away and get ready.

"This place is huge," Liam said looking around the mansion in awe.

"Perks of being the mayor's daughter," Maya said as she walked up the stairs to her room, Liam following behind. "It's best if you stay here, at least until Tyler is home. My mom wouldn't be happy to know that I brought a guy home and didn't warn her."

"Good to know," he said entering the room. He placed his bag on the floor and looked around the room.


"It's not what I was expecting."

"What were you expecting?"

"I don't know, but not this."

"What should we do for an hour?" Maya asked blowing a raspberry in boredom.

"I have a few ideas," Liam said with a smirk.

Maya fell back onto the bed with a sigh of pleasure. "That was..." she said turning her head slowly to look at Liam as she pulled the cover to protect her sensitive skin from the cold air.

In Your Dreams | K. MIKAELSONWhere stories live. Discover now