20 | Worth It

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Maya was having trouble sleeping so she made her way downstairs and warmed up a glass of milk.

"Can't sleep?" Connor said from behind her.

Maya turned around but no one was there and she let out a sigh of relief. The microwave beeps and she jumped again before taking the milk out. She turned back around to see Connor leaning against the counter causing her to gasp.

"You know it makes sense; guilty conscience," Connor said pushing off the counter and slowly walking toward Maya.

"You're not here. I'm - I've got to be dreaming," Maya said slowly backing up.

"And how do you know that I'm not here?"

"Because you're..."

"Go on, say it."

"Because you're dead."

"Yes, I am. Was that the first time that you've taken a human life?"

"You're a ghost. That's gotta be it. You're a ghost, that's what's happening right now. Ty, Tyler!

"You're a ghost; you're haunting me. You're a ghost; you're haunting me."

"Can a ghost do this?" Connor said grabbing Maya by her throat and strangling her. Maya elbowed him in the gut to get him off and pushed him, sending him flying across the table. Maya grabbed a knife and stabbed Connor in the neck. She removed the knife and saw that it was Tyler she stabbed and not Connor.

Maya dropped the knife in shock, "Oh my god!"

Tyler fell to the ground.

"Oh god," Maya said covering her mouth in shock.

Liam walked into the kitchen, "What's going on?"

"He's going to be okay, right? I mean he's a hybrid, he's not really dead?"

"He'll be fine," Liam said walking over to her. "Go to the other room, I'll, uh, clean this up.

"I can't believe this happened. What am I going to say to him?" Maya said to Liam after he attempted to clean up the mess.

"Just explain to him what happened."

"I don't know..."

"Did you call Damon?"

"No, I don't need anyone knowing I killed my own brother."

"Hello Lockwoods and other," Damon said entering the house causing Maya to shoot a look at Liam.

"Yeah, I called Damon."

"I need to go upstairs and shower. Clean all the blood off my hands," Maya said, not looking at her best friend.

Maya was taking a shower, cleaning herself off when she looks down to see blood. She gasps, backing up but looks up at the shower head and nothing was there. She jumps out of the shower and dries herself off, putting new clothes on.

Maya adjusts her shirt in the mirror and sees Connor behind her. Letting out a gasp, she turned around and Connor walked closer to her.

"You wanna kill me again?" Connor said stepping closer.

"I wasn't myself. I was angry."

"Were you yourself when you killed me with your powers?"

"You were trying to hurt my friends."

"Because they're monsters and deserve to die, just like you. Admit it."

"No!" Maya shouted.

Maya made her way out of her room and downstairs to the kitchen where Damon stood.

In Your Dreams | K. MIKAELSONWhere stories live. Discover now