22 | Enemy Fire

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"Please, no more, I can't," Adrian begged from the floor.

"Yes, you can. Block out the pain," Maya encouraged.

Adrian continued to shout in pain when Kimberley spoke, "That's enough. This is torture."

"Kim, stop. He needs to finish," Hayley said, a little more panicky then necessary.

"Not today, he doesn't," she said unchaining him.

"Yes, today. Nate, Dean, and Chris are all dead, which makes Adrian Klaus' right hand. We can't let Adrian anywhere near Klaus until his sire bond is completely broken."

"Hayley is right," Maya agreed, "The bond isn't broken until he doesn't feel the pain of transformation anymore. If we want to get back at Klaus for everything he's done to us, Adrian has to keep turning. If you can't take watching this, feel free to leave."

"He doesn't have to do anything. Isn't that the point of breaking the sire bond, free will?" she responded as Hayley and Maya shot each other a look, "Let's go Adrian."

"They are gonna get us both killed and we are just sitting here," Hayley said as Maya and her watched Kim and Adrian play pool.

"Kim is right. The point of breaking the sire bond is being free. They don't have to listen to me."

"Yes they do, Maya. You can make them. Hybrids are werewolves first. Wolves run in packs and every pack needs an Alpha or they end up challenging each other for dominance. Kim is challenging your position as Alpha. You need to put her in her place. Now."

Maya nods reluctantly before standing up and making her way to the table. Adrian shot the cue ball at the eight ball, but Maya grabbed the ball before it went in. Adrian looked up at her.

"Long day tomorrow Adrian. You want it to go better than today, you need to get some rest."

"Who do you think you are?" Kim asked.

"The girl telling you to call it a night."

Kimberley walked over to Maya and they stared each other down. She suddenly grabbed a pool stick and tried to attack Maya with it but Maya grabbed the stick.

"This could get a lot uglier right now but I'm not gonna let it. Challenge me again, this conversation will end differently. You understand?" Maya said.

"Fine. Whatever you say."

"Finish your drink and get Adrian back to the stables. We'll meet you there."

Maya shoots Kimberley a look before walking out, Hayley following right behind her.

Maya entered the Salvatore Boarding house to find her three best friends drinking and dancing like there is no tomorrow.

"Hey, check this out: vamp-speed video," Bonnie said once she saw Maya enter. Maya takes the phone and Elena stands behind her.

"I look like Superman. Watch this," Elena said before taking the phone and pausing it, "This year's Christmas card."

"Want some?" Bonnie offered Maya.

"Uh, no, can't remember?" Maya said pointing to her stomach that seemed to get bigger by the day.

"Oh, right, oh my god. I'm so sorry."

"It's fine."

Eventually, the four made their way to the bathroom.

"Being a vampire is so weird," Elena said leaning her head back as she lay in the tub, "Oh my God, I love this bathtub. Why don't we come and hang out here more often?"

In Your Dreams | K. MIKAELSONWhere stories live. Discover now