21 | Why

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Hayley and Maya stood in the barn as Kimberley, one of Klaus's hybrids, was attempting to break the sire bond. She ran into the barn and broke a few boards in the process.

"Scream. Let it out. We're at an abandoned farm. No one can hear you for miles," Hayley encouraged.

"Easy for you to say, wolf girl. You never turned twenty times in a row," Kimberley snapped back.

"No, but I watched a bunch of your hybrid friends go through it."

Kimberley fell to the floor and shouted in pain, "Why does it have to be like this? Why break every bone over and over?"

"It's what the sire bond is. When Klaus turned you, you no longer had to turn every full moon. That's why you have to turn so you don't have to feel like you owe him," Maya explained.

"What's in all of this for you two?"

"I want to help you guys, you shouldn't have to do what Klaus says. You deserve free will."

Hayley on the other hand ignored the question, "I don't hear bones cracking."

Tyler entered the barn and spoke, "Caroline bought us another day. Klaus wants to go with her to Miss Mystic Falls tomorrow."

"So, does that mean we're going?"

"Watching Klaus fawn over Caroline at some lame-ass pageant? No thanks."

"Oh, come on!"

"You should go, I mean you might as well, it's at our house, Ty. Plus, you have to keep up your charade," Maya added.

"Guys, like this isn't torture enough?! Can you take it outside?!" Kimberley begged from the floor.

Hayley batted her eyelashes in Tyler's direction and he caved, "Fine, we'll go. Wear a dress."

Tyler left the barn leaving Hayley with a grin on her face.

"I hope you know what you're doing," Maya said as she watched Kimberley turn again.

"What?" Hayley asked looking far too alarmed.

"With Tyler. He loves Caroline and he would never do anything to hurt her intentionally. That doesn't mean he isn't an idiot who makes mistakes."

"I'm not doing anything."

"Yeah, and I'm not pregnant with the devil's baby," Maya said placing a hand on her now showing stomach, "Stop kidding yourself, Hayley."

"Can you finish up here? I have to find a dress," Hayley said before walking out.

Maya turned back to Kimberley, "Two more times and then you can go on a lunch break. I have to get home before Caroline realizes how long I've been gone."

Kimberley let out a groan before she began to turn again. Maya sat on a stack of hay as she waited for the hybrid in front of her to finish the transition.

After the second transition was complete, they parted ways and agreed to meet later tonight after the Miss Mystic event.

Maya made her way home and got dressed. She met up with Liam once she was ready.

"You ready to be introduced to my world?" Maya joked, entangling their arms.

"Depends, will there be cake?" Liam said.

Maya rolled her eyes and they made their way over to a busy Caroline.

"Having fun?" Maya mocked Caroline as she frantically picked up empty glasses.

"Where have you been?" Caroline shouted in her usual chaotic state, "I have been running around putting this together and you just disappeared!"

"Sorry, I had some business to attend to," Maya said shooting Caroline a calm down look.

In Your Dreams | K. MIKAELSONWhere stories live. Discover now