8 | I Don't Want To Be

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The dreams Maya had been having lately had been different than the ones from before. This time it was just pitch dark and all she could hear were voices. She wanted to scream and shout for help but she couldn't.

"I figured out how to open it. Can you?" the familiar male British voice echoed in her ear.

She hears shouts and wants to help but she can't move.

"Let me out! Please! Oh my god, oh my god! Fes patrus tribum, melan veras, et vasa quisa, exu quisa!" her best friends voice shouted. She heard banging and then footsteps as Bonnie continued shouting, "Hey! I'm in here! I'm in here! I'm in here!"

And then she wakes up.

Bonnie, Maya, and Elena all stood in front of the coffin as Bonnie spoke. "I've been having these dreams for days now. It's like the witches are trying to send me a message."

"I just can't believe that you guys kept this from me this whole time."

"Stefan thought, if you knew where the coffins were, Klaus could threaten people to get the information out of you."

"So, these are the rest of his family?"

"Yeah. Elijah and two others."

"Kol and Finn," Maya said.

"How do you know that?" Elena asked.

"I'm not sure. How do I know anything?"

"This one...is the one we can't open. We don't know who is in it, or what's in it, only that I think my dream's telling me it'll help us kill Klaus."

Maya stayed silent after she said this. She had yet to tell her friends, other than Damon, that she knew who was inside. It scared her.

Footsteps approached and the pissed off, all to familiar voice of Stefan echoed throughout the room, "What the hell are you doing?"

"I needed her to know about the coffin."

"And I needed you to keep her out of it."

"So what are you gonna do, Stefan? Are you gonna kidnap me, so that I won't tell anyone?"

"Don't tempt me, Elena."

"Oh my God, just cut the crap Stefan. This wasn't just your secret, and last time I checked, you haven't been able to open the damn coffin so we need all the help we can get," Maya said half out of exhaustion from lack of sleep and the other half being that she didn't want to deal with an emotionless Stefan at the moment.

"I think I know who can open the coffin, Stefan," Bonnie said breaking the silence that had taken over the room, "And I need Elena to help me find her."

"Find who? What are you talking about?"

"I couldn't place her face at first. Then I realized..." Bonnie pulled out a photo from her pocket, showing it to Elena.

"Oh my god, Bonnie," Elena said as Stefan looked at the photo.

"Who is this?"

"It's my mom."

Maya had met up with Damon to help find Abby, Bonnie's mom. He pretty much did it on his own but she also needed to talk to him.

As they approached the house Maya stopped him. "Damon," she began, "you can't tell anyone about the dream, at least not yet."


"Because what if it's not true? What if I just have a wild imagination?"


In Your Dreams | K. MIKAELSONWhere stories live. Discover now