24 | Cry For You

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Maya woke up to the sounds of birds chirping and the bright sun glistening through her open window. She slowly pushed herself up to a sitting position. Next to her, folded in half, was a note, which she assumed came from Klaus.

Sorry love, I had some business to attend to. Till next time.

- Klaus

P.S. you snore

Maya smiled down at the note when the door opened and she shoved it under her pillow.

"Hey, Tyler told me what happened. How are you feeling?" Liam asked, staying by the door.

Horrible. "I'm pretty good considering," she answered nodding slightly, "there is this memorial thing at school today."

"When is it?"

"It starts at," Maya began, looking at her phone, "now. I have to go, I'll meet you here after?"

"Do you want me to come?"

"No, it'll be short and dumb, I'll be back soon," Maya said pecking him on the lips and grabbing a sweatshirt and shoes before making her way out the door.

"Carol Lockwood always said that togetherness in times of tragedy leads to healing, that one community is stronger than a thousand of its members. But how does a community stay strong after losing its leader? And Carol was so much more than a leader; she was an open-minded friend and a concerned mother, taken from us too soon by a terrible accident," Sheriff Forbes said as Maya entered the gym, staying by the door.

"Screw this," Tyler said, standing up and walking past everyone, ignoring Caroline's pleas.

"Please join me in observing a minute silence in her memory."

Maya kept her eyes open and she saw Elena walking over to Rebekah had previously stood.

Maya quickly made her way to where Elena had disappeared and found Elena and April conversing.

"April, what's wrong?" Elena asked.

"Nothing. I'm fine."

"But you're crying?"

"It's just the whole mayor thing, you know. It's bringing stuff up about my dad."

"And I know you're a vampire."

"Wait, what?"

Rebekah stood behind Elena and snapped her neck.

"Was that necessary?"

"No, but it was fun," Rebekah said with a smile.

Maya scoffed quietly and turned to leave when Rebekah appeared in front of her.

"Two down, three to go," Rebekah said before dragging Maya and Elena in the direction of the library.

"Let me go," Maya said slapping Rebekah's arm between each word.

"I may not be able to snap your neck, but I can compel you, pregnancy weakens your witch powers. Stay put or I'll make you," Rebekah said before pushing her in and throwing Elena at her, "I'll be back."

Maya leaned Elena against a bookshelf and took a seat next to her.

"The assembly is over," April said as she entered the room.

"What is going on?"

"The school will be empty soon...How many times did you compel me?"

Maya shot her a confused look before she continued, "Don't...don't lie. Rebekah says you lie."

In Your Dreams | K. MIKAELSONWhere stories live. Discover now