27 | I Can't Breathe

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Other than the extra testerone, the week had gone better than Maya thought it was going to.

Klaus and Liam had to get into their heads that they were both going to have to deal with the others presence, one way or another.

With a lot of guidance, Maya explained to the boys how to warm up a bottle, how to feed the baby, how to change the baby, etc.

Once they caught on, she was able to get to sleep, not for long though because the babies kept crying. Which was to be expected.

Klaus was currently at the store at Maya's request to buy three car seats so she could have two and Liam could have one.

He was still a little iffy about the whole parenting thing but Maya was confident that eventually he would get into it.

"I'm not letting you take our newborn baby into the woods," Maya stated, not in the mood for an argument.

"I have a pack to take care of, but I also want to be a part of Tyler's life. Why does he get to stay with you?"

"It's not a permanent thing. It's for a few months, just until he's older, and his immune system is stronger. This isn't an ideal situation Liam but we can make it work as we go."

"Then how are we going to do it from there? A week with you, a week with me? How is this going to work when we live in different states?"

"I don't know," Maya said rubbing her face in frustration.

She let out a breath to calm down before speaking again, "Look, I know this is a lot to take in but we will get through this and everything will turn out how it's supposed to. I need you to go with me on this one, okay?"

He let out a sigh of defeat before nodding, "Yeah, yeah, okay."

Maya placed her head down on the table when Hope started to cry. She stood up and walked over to her, carefully picking her up.

Throughout the week, Maya had spent a lot of it learning what their cries meant.

"I'm going to go feed Hope upstairs, Tyler is still sleeping. If Klaus comes back, please don't pick a fight."

He nodded and she made her way upstairs with Hope.

Their hunger was like a clock. Usually Hope gets hungry first and almost exactly 30 minutes later Tyler would start crying.

After Hope was done eating, Maya sat in her bed with her back against the headboard with the baby in her arms.

There was a knock on the door before it opened, revealing Liam and Tyler, "The car seats were outside the door, I put them in the cars already. This is for you."

He handed me a piece of paper that had been folded four times and had her name written on the front in cursive.

She immediately recognized the handwriting as Klaus's and opened it.

'Dear Maya,

I have some business to attend to with the Salvatore brothers so I needed to leave. I would have come inside to say goodbye but you and Liam seemed to be having an important conversation and I didn't want to intrude. I'll be back soon love, so don't worry.


Klaus Mikaelson'

Maya folded the note back up and stuck it in her pocket just as Tyler started crying.

"Right on schedule," she said with a small laugh. "Can you watch Hope for me?"

"Yeah," Liam said before handing me Tyler and taking Hope.

In Your Dreams | K. MIKAELSONWhere stories live. Discover now