25 | Sweet But Psycho

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Maya entered the building called 'Zanadew Lounge' to see Jeremy, Klaus, Damon and Matt standing amidst a bunch of transitioning vampires.

"No way. I'm not doing this," Jeremy protested.

"What makes you think you have a choice?" Klaus asked.

"You have to kill vampires to complete the hunter's mark. Mark equals cure. You're in a bar full of almost vampires, so get your hunt on," Damon said, none of them appearing to notice the new person in the room.

"What the hell is this?" Maya practically shouted.

The four other people in the room looked to Maya in surprise.

Klaus turned to Damon before speaking, "What is she doing here?"

"She can speak for herself."

"Back to the matter at hand," Klaus said, completely ignoring her causing her to scoff.

"You know what, screw you," Jeremy said to Damon, "You said I wouldn't have to kill any innocent people."

"Jeremy, they're not people."

"Enough!" Klaus shouted, "Have at it, or else."

"I don't take orders from you, dick," Jeremy said dropping the stake, "Hunters can't be compelled."

"You're right," Klaus said laughing and stepping closer to him, "I can't compel you. But if your conscience is getting in the way, then allow me to make this easy for you. Because, I can compel them."

The transitioning vampires in the room began to feed on the compelled humans.

"I'm gonna give you a two-minute head start. Then I'm gonna send every vampire in here after you. You kill them, or they kill your friend...Matt."

"Wait a second!" Matt protested.

"No, no. You turn them, he kills them. That was the deal, Klaus," Damon said.

"I'm taking artistic license."

"You know he can't take them all on at the same time."

"With you as his coach, he'll be fine. It's Matt I'm worried about."

"Ah...Jeremy, go get the weapons out of the car. I'll be right behind you," Damon said and he obeyed.

"Both of you," he added and Matt followed.

"If I hear an engine start, I'll kill Matt myself!" Klaus shouted after them.

"Really?" Maya commented as she looked at Klaus like he was the most ridiculous person she had ever met.

"They needed motivation," he said with a shrug.

"And murder is always a good motivator!" Maya added sarcastically.

"It worked, did it not?"

Rolling her eyes, she made her way to the door but he vamp sped over, stopping her.

"Where do you think you're going?" he asked looking down at her.

Maya looked up at him in exasperation, "To help them."

"He needs to kill them on his own, you can't help him."

"Watch me," she said before opening the door and walking out, him following close behind.

"You're outnumbered."

"I'm stronger."

"You might as well just let him do it, he's capable."

In Your Dreams | K. MIKAELSONWhere stories live. Discover now